Thread-like structures which are made of DNA, and contain genetic information in the form of genes.
What are genes?
A length of DNA which codes for a protein.
What is an allele?
An allele is an alternative form of a gene.
What chromosomes do males have?
What chromosomes do females have?
What determines the synthesising of specific protiens?
Sequences of bases in a gene determine the sequence of amino acids used to make a specific protein.
Different sequences of amino acids give different shaped to protein molecules
What does DNA do?
Controls the cells function by controlling the production of proteins, including enzymes, membrane carriers and receptors for neurotransmitters.
What is the first stage in making a protein?
1 - The gene coding for the protein remians in the nucleus
Second stage in protein synthesis?
Messanger RNA (mRNA) is a copy of a gene
Stage three in protein synthesis?
3 - mRNA molecules are made in the nucleus, and move to the cytoplasm.
Srage four in protein synthesis?
The mRNA pass through ribosomes.
Fifth stage in protein synthesis?
5 - The ribosomes assemble amino acids into protein molecules.
The sixth and final stage of protein synthesis?
6 - The specific sequence of amino acids is detmermined by the sequence of bases in the mRNA.
Are all genes in all cells expressed?
No - Most body cells contain the same genes, but many genes in a particular cell ar enot expressed because the cell only makes the specific proteins it needs - gene expression (switched 'on and off')
What is a haploid nucleus?
Nucleus containing only half of the gentic information, so half the chromosomes.
What is a diploid nucleus?
Nucleus containing two sets of chromosomes.
What is a diploid cell?
A cell where there is a pair of each type of chromsome (in a human diploid cell there are 23 pairs).
What is mitosis?
Mitosis is nuclear division which produces two gentically identical daughter cells.
When would mitosis occur?
In growth, reapir of damaged tissues, replacement of cells and asexual reproduction.
What happens before mitosis?
Exact replication of chromosomes in parent cells.
In terms of chromosomes, what happens during mitosis?
The copies of chromosomes seperate, maintaining the chromosome number in each daughter cell.
What are stem cells?
Stem cells are unsepcialised cells which can divide by mitosis in order to produce daughter cells that are able to become speiclaised for specific functions.
What is meiosis?
Meisosis is a reduction division in which the chromosome number is halved from diploid, to haploid - this results in genetically DIFFERENT cells.
When would meiosis occur?
Involved in the production of gametes (e.g. sperm and egg cells).
Define the term inherticance?
Inhertiance is the trasnmission of genetic information from generation to generation.
What is a genotype?
The genetic make-up of an organism and depends on the alleles present.
What are phenotypes?
Observable characteristics or traits of an organism resulting from the interaction between its genes and the environment.
What does homozygous mean?
Having two dientical alleles of a particular gene.
What is the result when two homozygous indivuduals breed?
What does the term heterozygous refer to?
Having two different alleles of a particular gene.
Will breeding between two heterozygous indiviudals result in pure-breeding?
No - only between two homozygous indivudals.
What is a dominant allele?
A dominant allele is an allele that will ALWAYS be expressed if present in the genotype.
What is a recessive allele?
A recessive allele is an allele which is only expressed IF there is NO dominant allele of the gene in the genotype.
What is codminance?
A situation in which both alleles in a heterozygous organism contriubte to the phentotype.
What are the blood groups?
A, B, AB and O.
What are the alleles for the blood groups?
I,^A, I^B, and I^O
What is a sex linked characteristic?
A feature in which the gene repsonsible is lovated on a sex chromosome, and this makes the charcateristic more common in one sex than the other.