
Cards (31)

  • enzyme - most effective catalyst known
  • human has 1000s enzymes
  • most enzymes are glubular protein
  • enzymes are affected by the alteration of
    • pH
    • temperature
    • protein denaturants
  • enzymes that are now known are made of RNA
  • two structures of enzyme
    1. simple - protein only (aa chain)
    2. conjugated - nonprotein added to protein
  • under conjugated enzyme are
    • apoenzyme - protein part
    • cofactor - nonprotein part
    • holoenzym - biochemically active (apoenzyme + cofactor)
  • cofactor provide additional chemically reactive functional group
  • categories of cofactor:
    1. simple metal ion - supplied through dietary mineral intake
    2. small organic molecule - "coenzyme", serves as cofactor
  • conenzyme are formed in human body using building blocks (B vitamin)
  • permanenty bond cofactor - coenzyme FAD (riboflavin)
  • temporary bond cofactor - coenzyme NAD+ (niacin)
  • nomenclature of enzyme
    • suffix -ase, identifies as enzyme (enzyme designation)
    • suffix -in, found in first enzymes studied (digestive enzyme)
    • type of reaction - prefix
    • substrate - addition to type of reaction
  • six major classes of enzyme
    1. oxidoreductases - oxidation reduction
    2. transferases - transfer of function groups
    3. hydrolase - hydrolisis
    4. lysases - addition or removal of group ; to form double bond
    5. isomerase - rearrangement ng atom
    6. ligases - bond formation, ATP
  • subtype of transferase
    1. transaminases - amino group
    2. kinases - phosphate group
  • enzyme active site - small part of the structure that is involved in catalysis
  • enzyme active site is a 3D formed by groups from different parts of protein chain (by folding and bending)
  • enzyme active site is the crevicelike location
  • enzyme subtrate complex is an intermediate reaction species that forms when substrate binds with the active site
  • two models for substrate binding
    1. lock and key model - enzyme is fixed, only substrate that has a specific shape can bind (simpliest)
    2. induced fit model - enzymes shape allows small changes
  • enzyme specificity:
    • absolute specificity - one reaction only ; most restrictive
    • sterepchemical specificity - particular stereoisomer
    • group specificity - same functional group
    • linkage specificity - particular type of bond ; most general
  • temperature
    • higher temp = higher rate
    • optimal temp reached = enzyme activity decreases
  • pH
    • drastic change = denaturation
    • optical activity pH range: 7 to 7.5
  • substrate concentration
    • constant concentration = higher activity
    substrate saturation
    • reaches maximum = active sites are full
    turnover number
    • number of substrate molecule converted to product per second
  • enzyme concentration
    • constant concentration = high enzyme activity = high enzyme concentration
  • enzyme inhibition slows down or stops normal catalytic function by binding into the enzyme
    • competetive - competes with substrate for the active site
    • noncompetetive - cause change in structure and prevents enzyme activity ; binds to enzyme at a location other than active site
    • irreversable inhibition - inactivates (permanent) enzymes by forming a strong covalent bond with the active site
  • regulation of enzyme activity
    • allosteric device
    • feedback control
    • proreolytic enzyme and zymogen
    • covalent modification of enzyme
  • allosteric enzme
    • responsible for regulating cellular process
    • have quarernary structure - two or more protein chain
    • have two binding site - for substrate and regulator ; different from each other (location and shape)
    • binding molecule at regulatory site causes changes in 3d structure of enzyme
    • substance the bind at regulatory site : regulators
  • feedback control - process of activation/inhibation wherein the first reaction is controlled by a product of the reaction sequence
  • covalent modification of enzyme
    • 3rd mechanism
    • enzyme activity is altered by covalently modifying structure of enzyme through attachment/removal of chemical group from particular amino acid
  • proteolytic enzymes and zygomens
    • 2nd mechanism
    • production of enzyme in an inactive form (zygomen, proenzyme) ; turned on at the appropriate time and place
    • proteolytic enzyme: inactive form to active form if needed ; breaks peptide bond