
Cards (22)

  • habit forming substance that may not be a adictive
    gateway drugs
  • any substance not considered as food
  • The habitual use of these substances opens the door to the use of other harder drugs such as cocaine, heroin
    alchohol and cigarets
  • The need to belong and be accepted in a group triggers one to initially use drugs.
    Peer pressure
  • The need to temporarily escape from life's burden is the cause of some people for using drugs
    Removing problems or tensions
  • is a cylindrical rolled paper containing dried and shredded tobacco leaves.
  • Those who have parents or guardians who smoke are more likely to start smoking
    parent influence
  • Advertisements of cigarettes portray smoking as exciting, glamorous, and safe.
    advertisement on media
  • It is a chemical compound found in tobacco which is a potent stimulant
  • It is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless poisonous gas.
    carbon monoxide
  • It is a condensable residue present in smoke.
    • A colorless inorganic compound composed of nitrogen and hydrogen, usually in gaseous form and pungent odor.
  • It is a colorless, flammable gas with a strong odor.
  • It is a colorless, highly poisonous chemical compound
    hydrogen cyanida
  • It is a color less, flammable organic solvent.
  • It is a toxic heavy metal.(used in battery)
  • is the smoke that is inhaled into the smoker's mouth and lungs.
    mainstream smoke
  • It is the mixture of the smoke coming from the burning end of a cigarette and the smoke exhaled by the smoker.
    second hand smoke
  • is also called Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS).
    second hand smoke
  • is the residue from cigarette smoke found in clothes, furniture, and other surfaces after the cigarette has been put out.
    third hand smoke
  • is a form of electronic nicotine delivery system (ENDS)
  • This was invented by a Chinese pharmacist in 2003 and first sold in 2004.
    hon lik