2) Religion and Social Change

Cards (10)

  • Conservative Force - meaning

    it wants thing to remain the same.
  • Two main reasons religion can be seen as a conservative force:

    One - Upholds traditional beliefs about how society should be organised defending traditional customs, institutions, moral views, roles etc. Two - stabilises society and maintains the status quo. Functions to conserve or preserve things as they are.
  • Christianity - traditional values

    no co-habitation before marriage, the man should be head of the family (bride vows), no sex before marriage (sacred thing), forbid divorce and same sex marriage.
  • Catholic - traditional values

    forbid abortion (seen as murder) and divorce.
  • Hinduism - traditional values

    the male role in finding a match and endorse male domestic authority and the practice of arranged marriage.
  • Religion acts as a conservative force as 

    it serves to keep things the way they are and religion contributes to social stability. View is held by functionalists, marxists and feminists.
  • Religion and Consensus - Functionalists
    • creates social solidarity and shared norms. Prevents change and limiting peoples selfish desires and individualism.
  • Religion and Consensus - Functionalists
    • creates social solidarity and shared norms. Prevents change and limiting peoples selfish desires and individualism.
    • maintains social solidarity ie. traditional roles/morals.
    • creates value consensus, reducing the likelihood of society collapsing.
    • helps individuals deal with stress that would otherwise disrupt the life of society
  • Religion and Capitalism - Marxists
    • religion is a ruling class ideology teaches ideas and benefits the ruling class.
    • religions conserves capitalism creates false consciousness and prevents revolution.
    • maintaining social control and the stability of capitalist society.
  • Religion and Patriarchy - Feminists
    • religion conserves patriarchy deforces traditional gender roles teaches women its a mens world
    • Church of England opposed the legislation of same sex marriage (2013)
    • maintains women's subordination in the family and wider society.
    • through sacred texts, religious organisations, rules and customs.