Cards (37)

  • 5 Moral Dimensions of the Information Age
    • Information rights and obligations
    • Property rights and obligations
    • Accountability and control
    • System quality
    • Quality of life
  • Accountability
    System to track decision makers
  • Professional association: american medical association (AMA), american bar association (ABA), association for computing machinery (ACM), Promises by profession to serve the public interest
  • Computer-related Liability Problems

    • If software fails, who is responsible?
    • Software as part of a machine: both producer & operator
    • Software as a book: author or publisher
    • Software as a service: liability is different
  • What ethical, social, political issues are raised by IS
    Recent failed cases of ethical judgment in business (Wells Fargo, General Motors), in many IS is used to hide decisions from public scan, IS creates new ethical questions because it creates new opportunities for intense social change, distributions of power, money, rights & obligations
  • Information rights and obligations
    Individual and organizations
  • Property rights and obligations
    Intellectuals property right in digital society
  • Accountability and control
    Who's responsible for harm done to individuals rights
  • System quality
    Standards of data and quality system used to protect rights and safety of society
  • Quality life
    Preserving social value and culture practices supported by AT
  • Basic concepts
    Due process
  • Golden rule
    Treat others the way you want to be treated
  • Kant's categorical imperative
    If an action isn't right to be taken by everyone it's not right to be taken by anyone
  • Slippery sloppy rule
    If an action can't be taken repeatedly it's not right to be taken at all
  • Utilitarian principle
    Take actions that produce high value
  • Risk aversion principle
    Take actions with min potential costs
  • "No Free Lunch" rule
    Everything is owned unless stated otherwise
  • AMA
    American medical association
  • ABA
    American bar association
  • ACM
    Association of computing machinery
  • Real world ethical dilemmas
    Where different interests conflict
  • Cookie
    Small text files on computer hard drive when user visits a website, it identifies browsers and tracks visits
  • Web beacons
    Tiny graphics in email and web pages, it monitors who reads the emails or visits the site
  • Spyware
    Secretly installed, it can capture data and show ads
  • Google's behavioral targeting
    analyze online behavior for personalized ads
  • Opt-in
    Users must give consent to subscribe
  • Opt-out
    Users are automatically subscribed and must take action to remove
  • Private browsing
    Prevents the storage of browsing history
  • Don't track option
    Inform web to not track browsing behavior
  • Trade secret
    intellectual work
  • Copyright
    Protecting intellectuals property from being copied for plus 70 years
  • Patents
    Grant inventors an exclusive monopoly on their idea for 20 years
  • Ways intellectual property is protected
    Trade secret
  • Candidate Ethical Principles

    Golden rule
    Kant's categorical imperative
    Slippery slope rule
    Utilitarian principle
    Risk aversion principle
    "No Free Lunch" rule
  • RSI
    Repetitive stress injury
  • CTS
    Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • CVS
    Computer vision syndrome