nicolas leonard sadi carnot is a french military engineer
sadi carnot is the concept of the heat engine cycle and the prniciple of reversibility in 1824
rudolf clausius is a german mathematician and physicist
rudolfclausius developed the concept of entropy
rudolf clausius contributed in the law of thermodynamics
thermodynamics is the science of relationship between heat, work, temperature, and energy
thermodynamics deals with the transfer of energy from one place to another and form one from another
count rumford is a british military. says that heat was not formally recognized as form of energy until about 1798
benjaminthompson, his work rejected the popular belief that heat is a liquid form of matter and laid down the modern theory of heat is form of motion
benjamin thompson improved the efficiency of fireplaces and chimneys and designed the rumford photometer
types of thermometer: digital ear (tymphanic)thermometer, foreheadthermometer, pacifier thermometer
digitalearthermometer inside the ear canal
foreheadthermometer is in temporal artery
pacifierthermometer used for the baby
mercury (liquidingas) thermometer is option available for taking temperature
freezing point of water 0degreesC
boiling point of water is 100degrees C
temperature scales, celsius, fahrenheit, and kelvin
kelvin is the absolute temperature scale
fahrenheit used in US
Tf= 9/5 tc + 32 is the cconversionof celsius to fahrenheit
tc = (tf - 32) * 5/9 is the conversion from Fahrenheit to Celsius
K = Tc + 273.15 is the conversion from Celsius to Kelvin
thermal expansion is the increase of the size (length, area, or volume)of a body due to a change in temperature usually a rise
thermalcontraction is the decrease in size due to a change in temperature, usually a fall in temperature
in most solid and liquid, when temperature rises, their molecules vibrate more and have more kineticenergy
the amountofobjectsexpandscanbecalculated for both one dimensional (linear) and three dimensional (volumetric)
linear constants are denoted by the greek letter alpha
volumetric constants are denoted by the greek letter beta
heat transfer is the movement of energy from one place to material to another as a result of a difference in temperature
3 heat transfer are conduction, convection and radiation
conduction is a heat transfer through direct physical contact
convection is a heat transfer by the movement of fluid
radiation a form of heat transfer that occurs when electromagnetic radiation is emitted and absorbed
most of the heat transfer from the fire to the observers is through infraredradiation. the visiblelight transfers relativity little thermalenergy. since skin is very sensitive to infrared radiation, you can sense of a fire without looking at it directly (Daniel X. O'neil)
types of thermodynamics: open, closed, isolatedsystem
opensystem can exchange both energy and matter with its surroundings
closedsystem cannot exchange either matter or energy with its surrounding
isolatedsystem can exchange only energy with its surroundings, not matter
while the earth itself is a closed system, all systems inside the earth's atmosphere are considered open system. human being is one example od a open system on earth