
Cards (20)

  • Burma
    The Ordeal of Divination is being practiced in this country, whereby it involves 2 parties being furnished with candles of equal size and lighted simultaneously the owner of the candle that outlast the other is adjudged to have won his causes. ​
  • Madagascar
     Legal authorities practiced trial by ordeal. The supposed criminal was made to drink a decoction, a poisonous fruit called “tangena”, a small dose is fatal. ​
  • Borneo
     The accuser and accused were presented with shellfish placed on a plate. An irritating fluid was then poured on the shellfish and the litigant whose shellfish moved first was adjudged the winner. ​
  • Greece
     A suspended axe was spun at the center of a group of suspects. When the axe stopped, whoever was in the line with the blade as supposed to be guilty out by the Divine Providence. ​
  • Nigeria
     The priest greased a cock’s feather and pierced the tongue of the accused. If the feather passed through the tongue easily, the accused was deemed innocent. If not, the accused is guilty
  • Daniel Defoe
    • He wrote an essay entitled “An effectual Scheme"
  • Angelo Mosso
    •  he studied fear and its influence on the heart
    • He devised a “scientific cradle”, which was designed to measure the flow of blood
  • Cesare Lombroso
    • This instrument is known as Hydrosphygmograph"
    • which measures changes in pulse and blood pressure
  • William James Mackenzie
     a famous English heart specialist who first describe the polygraph machine as the “ink polygraph” ​
  • William Moulton Marston (1915)
    •  the self proclaimed “father of the polygraph”
    • systolic deception
    • He also experimented with galvanometer to record skin resistance changes and gripping device to record tension
  • John A. Larson 1921
    • developed an instrument capable of simultaneously and continuously recording blood pressure, pulse rate and respiration
    • His invention was designated as the “The Bread LieDetector”
  • Vittorio Benussi (1914) 
    discovered a method for calculating the quotient of the inhalation to exhalation as means of verifying the truth
  • Luigi Galvani
    • an Italian psychologist who developed the galvanic skin reflex. The GSR reflected emotional changes by measuring changes in person’s skin resistance to electricity.​
  • Sticker
    •  he made the first galvanograph
  • Veraguth (1907)
    he was the first one to use the term “psycho galvanic reflex”
  • Richard O. Arther
    • he developed an improvised polygraph machine with two galvanic skin resistance.
  • Cleve Backster
    • scoring on the polygraph chart and standardizing quantitive polygraph technique
  • Leonard Keeler (1925)
    • an American Psychologist
    • invented a more satisfactory instrument than the one used by Larson. Later on Keeler made additional changes in the instrument
  • John E. Reid
    • he developed improvement
    • muscular resistance
  • Harold Burt (1918) - determined that the respiratory changes were signs of deception and concluded that systolic pressure changes are valuable in determining deception. ​