children will show distress upon separation and joy on reunion. they will also show stranger anxiety and are happy to explore when using their mother as a safety base. this attachment comes from having a sensitive caregiver
insecure - resistant attachment
show extreme distress on seperation and actively resist reunion as well as showing stranger anxiety. they are also not happy to explore. this attachment type comes with having a ambivilant caregiver [inconsistent]
insecure - avoidant attachment
these children show no distress on seperation and actively avoid reunion. they are happy to be around strangers and are happy to explore. this comes from having an unresponsive caregiver
caregiver sensitivity hypothesis
thhis suggests that its the rresponsiveness of the caregiver that determines the childs attachment type. caregivers that interact positively with their children and are sensitive to their needs usually have a securely attached child
temperament hypothesis
this suggests that its the childs personality / character that determines their attachment type. e.g. some children are simply more or less confident or more or less emotionally attached to their mothers