periodicity - a repeating trend in properties of elements across each period
18th Century - Antoine Lavoisier listed substances he thought were elements (many of these substances were compounds)
1869 - Dimitri Mendeleev
arranged the elements in order of increasingatomicmass
he left gaps for elements not yet discovered
he put elements with similarproperties into the same verticalgroup
if group properties did not fit he swapped elements around
1864 - John Newlands
ordered elements by atomic mass
every eighth element was similar (Law of Octaves)
only worked for the first 15 known elements
1820s - Johann Döbereiner
3 elements with similar properties (triads)
atomic mass of the middle element was roughly halfway
not many elements fell neatly into this pattern
now the elements are arranged:
in order of increasingatomic (proton) number.
in vertical columns called groups
in horizontal rows called periods
repeating trends could include:
electron configuration
ionisation energy
melting points
the number of the period gives the number of the highestenergyelectronshell of an element's atoms
group trend in electron configuration:
elements in each group have the samenumber of electrons in their outershell
elements in each group also have the same number of electrons in each sub-shell
this is why elements in the same group have similarproperties
label the diagram
A) s-block
B) d-block
C) p-block
D) f-block
fill in the table
A) alkali metals
B) alkaline earth metals
C) transition elements
D) pnictogens
E) chalcogens
F) halogens
G) noble gases
ionisation energy - the energyrequired to removeoneelectron from each atom in onemole of gaseousatoms of an element
units of ionisation energy = kJmol-1
first ionisation energy
X(g) -> X +(g) + e-
factors affecting ionisation energy:
atomic radius
the greater the distance between the nucleus and outer shell electrons, the weaker the nuclear attraction between them
nuclear charge
the more protons there are in the nucleus of an atom, the greater the nuclearattraction between the nucleus and the outer shell electrons
inner shell shielding
increased shielding reduces the attraction between the nucleus and the outer electrons
what is the shielding effect?
the inner shell electrons repelling the outer shell electrons
group trend in first ionisation energy
first ionisation energy decreases down a group because
more inner shells, so increasedshielding
elements that are solids at room temperature
all other elements
elements that are liquids at room temperature
elements that are gases at room temperature
all group 0 elements
periodic trend in first ionisation energy
first ionisation energy increases across a period because
same number of inner shells therefore shielding is the same
periodic trend in first ionisation energy
sub-shell trends
rise from lithium to berillium
fall to boron
rise to carbon and hydrogen
fall to oxygen
rise to fluorine and neon
complete the graph
type done when the line is complete
A) first ionisation energy
B) atomic number
C) done
the fall in first IE from Beryllium to Boron
the 2p sub-shell has a higher energy that the 2s sub-shell
its is easier to remove the outer 2p electron in Boron, than the 2s electron in Beryllium
the first ionisation energy of Boron is less than the first ionisation energy of Beryllium
fall in the first IE from Nitrogen to Oxygen
in Nitrogen there is one electron in each 2p orbital
this means there is equalrepulsion between the electrons
in Oxygen there are twoelectrons in one2p orbital
these paired electrons repel
its is easier to remove a spin-paired 2p electron from Oxygen than an electron from Nitrogen
the first IE of Oxygen is lower than Nitrogen
successive ionisation energies
outer shell electrons are removed one at a time
first ionisation energy: He (g) -> He+ (g) + e-
second ionisation energy: He+ (g) -> He2+ (g) + e-
the second ionisation energy of helium is greater than the first
this is because the second electron is removed from a positive ion and the remaining electrons will have been pulled closer to the nucleus
nuclearattraction on remaining electron increases
more energy is needed to remove this second electron
successive ionisation energies provide evidence for the existence of shells
the value of successive ionisation energy increases with ionisation number
as each electron is lost, there is the same number of protons attracting fewer electrons
the electrons are drawn slightly closer to the nucleus, increasing the attraction
the number of ionisation energy is the same as the charge on the ion produced
the second ionisation of magnesium is the energy required to remove one electron from each ion in 1 mole of gaseous1+ ions to form 1 mole of gaseous2+ ions
fluorine atom has 7 electrons in its outer shell - group 7