
Cards (57)

  • 3D effect provides the perception of depth to a real-world object
  • axis - imaginary line about which a body rotates
  • blend - creates a series of object blended between the color and shape of multiple objects
  • blend - morphs the shapes and colors at 2 or more objects
  • bloat - pulls a vector object's anchor points inward while curving the segments outward
  • crystallize - adds random spike details to the outline of an object
  • effects - convenient way to reshape objects without making permanent changes to their underlying geometry
  • eraser - lets you remove parts of your artwork
  • eyedropper - lets you pick a color from an object or an image and apply it to other objects
  • free distort - changes the shape of a vector object by dragging any of four corner points
  • free transform - scales, rotates, skews a location
  • pucker - pulls a vector object's anchor points outward while curving the segments inward
  • pucker - deflates object by moving control towards the mouse pointer
  • bloat - inflates an object
  • reflect - flips an object over an axis
  • reshape - adjusts selected anchor points while keeping the overall detail of the path intact
  • rotate - move or cause to move in a circle around an axis, center, or fixed point
  • roughen - transforms a vector object's path segments into a jagged array of peaks and valleys of various sizes
  • scale - resizes (enlarge or reduce) object around a fixed point
  • scallop - adds random curve details to the outline of an object
  • scissors - lets you split a path or elements on the canvas at an anchor point or along a segment
  • segment - section of a line bounded/connecting two points
  • shear - shifts one part of an image, a layer, a selection, or a path tot he direction and the other part to the opposite direction
  • shear - slants or skews objects
  • skew - vertical or horizontal slant to an item
  • transform - reshapes an object by resizing, moving, rotating, reflecting (flipping), and copying it
  • tweak - randomly curves and distorts path segments inward and outward
  • twist - rotates an object more sharply in the center than at the edges
  • warp - distorts or deforms objects, path, text, meshes, blends and bitmap images
  • warp - molds object with the movement of the mouse pointer
  • wrinkle - adds wrinkle-like details to the outline of an object
  • zigzag- transforms an object's path segments into a jagged or wary array of uniformly sized peaks and valleys
  • art brushes
    • Evenly along the length of the path
  • Bristle Brushes
    • Create brush strokes with the appearance of a natural brush with bristles
  • Brushes
    Let you stylize the appearance of paths
  • Calligraphic Brushes
    • Create strokes that resemble those drawn with the angled point of a calligraphic pen and are drawn along the center of the path
  • CMYK
    A color model that is based on absorbing ink printed on paper
  • Color
    The appearance that it has as a result of the way in which it reflects light
  • Color Harmony
    The property that certain aesthetically pleasing color combinations have
  • Color Picker
    Provides a color spectrum from which you can visually select colors, color value text boxes for manually defining colors, and color swatches