Circulatory System composed of three basic common structures:
Tunica Intima
Tunica media
Tunica adventitia
It is the innermost layer comprising a single layer of extremely flattened epithelial cells called endothelial cells supported by basementmembrane and delicate collagenous tissue.
tunica intima
An intermediate predominantly muscular layer which contains alternatinglayers of smooth muscle and collagen or elastic lamellae.
tunica media
An outer supporting tissue layer that contains connective tissue, small vessels, nerves and vasa vasorum
Tissues of the Vascular Walls:
Smooth Muscle
Connective Tissue
Internal surfaces of all components
Simple squamous epithelium
maintain selectivelypermeable
determine when and where WBC leaves
Secretes paracrine factors
occur in the walls of all vessels larger than capillaries
arranged helically layers
vasoconstriction and vasodilation
Connective Tissue:
Collagen: found in subendothelial layer
Elastic fibers
Tunica adventitia is composed of what?
connective tissue
Hollow muscular organ, about the size of a clenched fist
located in the central mediastum of thoracic cavity