Endocrinal changes- Third month to term
1. Placenta secretes enough progesterone and estrogen to maintain the pregnancy
2. The function of the corpus luteum begins to decline after 8 weeks of pregnancy, but it persists throughout pregnancy
3. Progesterone secretion of the placenta is limited only by the amount of precursor cholesterol, delivered to the placenta
4. Progesterone maintains uterine quiescence during pregnancy
5. The secretion of estrogen is by both- the fetus and the placenta
6. The fetal adrenal gland secretes dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) which is converted to androstenedione and testosterone by the fetal liver
7. The placenta expresses aromatase which converts the androstenedione & testosterone from the fetus into estrogens, estriol being the primary one