Cards (41)

  • Baptism
    "door of faith". Experience of being welcomed into a family. We became adopted children of God. Through it we are transformed as individuals and our relationship with God change.
  • Ministers of Baptism
    • Deacon
    • Priest
    • Bishop
    • (In danger of death, anyone and anywhere)
  • Types of Baptism
    • Infant Baptism - Called Christening. Baptizing infants.
    • Adult Baptism -For adults who want to be Catholics. Usually happens during Easter vigil mass.
  • Baptism
    The word Baptism comes from the greek word "baptizein" which means 'to plunge' or 'immerse in water'
  • Baptism
    • Its first effect is to unite us into the life of Christ
    • A person may only be baptized once
    • Water plays a big role
  • Baptism
    • The second effect is to unite us to the members of the church, the body of Christ
    • Serves as our starting point in continuing Christ's mission
  • Christ's Threefold Mission
    • PROPHET - To proclaim the good news so that people would believe and receive salvation
    • PRIEST - To worship God and fulfill his priestly mission through sacrifice and self-emptying on the cross
    • KING - To lead us
  • Other Sacramentals of Baptism
    • Parents - Present the infant to the minister
    • Godparents - Help the parents take care of the child
    • Anointing of the Holy chrism - Symbolizes the gift of the Holy Spirit
    • White Garment - Signifies becoming a new person in Jesus Christ
    • Candle - Symbolizes Christ enlightening the baptized child
  • Lent is the death of Jesus, Easter is the resurrection of Jesus
  • Other Terms
    • First parents: Adam and Eve
    • Original Sin - Disobedience to God
    • Beatification - Called Blessed
    • Canonization - Process of being a saint
    • Nabi - Prophet
    • Rabbi - Teacher
    • Heresy - False teachings of faith
    • Nihil Obstat Imprimatur - Read, scanned, and double checked by a bishop or the pope
  • Confirmation
    Comes from the Latin word "comfirmare" means "to make firm"
  • Witness of Christ
    One that gives evidence. We witness Jesus' life and know the mission God gave us.
  • Gifts of the Holy Spirit
    • Wisdom
    • Understanding
    • Knowledge
    • Counsel (Right Judgement)
    • Fortitude (Courage)
    • Piety (Reverence)
    • Fear of the Lord (Wonder & Awe)
  • Wisdom
    Highest gift. Corresponds to love. What is true and not. Directs to judge all things.
  • Understanding
    Helps us see the importance of the bible and appreciate God's saving grace.
  • Knowledge
    Enables us to use everything in this world. There is vanity in materialistic things.
  • Counsel (Right Judgement)

    Enables us to choose what is morally right. Guide against impulsiveness.
  • Fortitude (Courage)

    Courage to say yes and no. Avoidance of temptation. Gives us strength to be patient in trials.
  • Piety (Reverence)

    Respect. All things belonging to God must be given respect. Gives us disposition to serve God with tenderness and devotion.
  • Fear of the Lord (Wonder & Awe)
    It is not servile fear. Loving fear of children who don't want to offend their father by sinning.
  • Fruits of the Holy Spirit
    • Love
    • Joy
    • Peace
    • Patience
    • Kindness
    • Goodness
    • Faithfulness
    • Gentleness
    • Self Control
  • Love
    Biblical love is a choice not a feeling. Expresses itself in loving ways and values the good of others.
  • Joy
    The feeling of gladness based on our circumstances. Acceptance to oneself.
  • Peace
    For those who have the spirit of peace within us, the peace of Christ is possible no matter the circumstances.
  • Patience
    Christians have everything they need to be patient because we have the Holy Spirit living in us. Patient people put up with circumstances and other people.
  • Kindness and Goodness
    Kindness can be developed, Goodness is inborn from birth. Together, they represent moral goodness and integrity.
  • Faithfulness
    Reliable or trustworthy. For the christians, this is faithfulness specifically for the savior who redeemed us.
  • Gentleness
    Humility. Gentleness is the grace of the soul. It is not weakness, but instead it is strength under control. Controls the way you speak.
  • Self Control
    Gives us the power to say "yes" to the spirit and foster a beautiful harvest of spiritual fruit.
  • Holy Eucharist
    Known as mass. Source and summit of christian life. Most important of catholic worship.
  • Eucharist
    Comes from the greek word "eucharista" which means "thanksgiving". Implies a mission that we must give ourselves to him and be united with him in the Holy Communion.
  • Eucharist
    Not simply recalling, but believing in God's saving power during the time of Moses, like the Jewish Passover meal.
  • Bread and Wine in the Eucharist
    Transubstantiation - Takes place during the Epiclesis part. The bread and wine turn into the real body and blood of Jesus.
  • Receiving the Eucharist
    Unites us with Christ, separates us from sin, reconciles us with each other and builds up the Christian community.
  • Ministers of the Holy Eucharist
    • Priests and Bishops
  • Elements of the Eucharistic Celebration

    • Introductory Rites - Entrance, Greeting, Penitential Rite, Gloria
    • Liturgy of the Word - Readings, Homily, Professions of Faith, Prayer of the Faithful
    • Liturgy of the Eucharist - Preparation of the Gifts, Eucharistic Prayer, Acclamation, Epiclesis, Final Doxology
    • Communion Rite - Lord's Prayer, Agnus Dei, Communion
    • Concluding Rite - "Go in peace, glorifying the Lord, by your life"
  • Entrance
    After they have gathered, the Entrance song begins and the priest with the ministers enter. The purpose is to introduce their thoughts to the mystery of the liturgical season.
  • Greeting
    When they reach the altar, the priest and ministers will bow. After the chant, the priest and all gathering, will make the sign of the cross.
  • Penitential Rite
    The priest invites to participate in the Act of Penitence. It will end with the Kyrie Eleison (lord have mercy)
  • Gloria
    On Sundays except for Advent and Lent, the Gloria is recited/sung followed by the prayer of the day.