A homologous series is a group of organic compounds with the same structure and the same functional groups
General formula is a generalised formula on how to write molecular formula of organic compounds which is applicable to all compounds in a homologous series
The three different types of isomers are:
Chain isomers
Positional isomers
Functional group isomers
Positional isomers have the same chemical formula, but the functional groups are in different places
Functional group isomers have the same chemical formula but different functional groups
Chain isomers have the same carbon chains, but in a different structure
There are five types of formula:
Empirical formula
Molecular formula
Displayed formula
Structural formula
Skeletal formula
Aliphatic alkenes are alkenes with one double bond with a general formula of CnH2n
Aromatic alkenes are benzenes
Branched alkenes do follow the general formula, however it does not apply to cyclic or alkenes with more than one double bond
For each carbon in an alkene, 3 electrons are used in sigma bonds, leaving 1 in a p orbital that's above and below. This is a pi bond.
Atoms cannot rotate around double carbon bonds since the p orbitals must remain in the same place making it fairly rigid
Pi bonds are weaker than sigma bonds because the electron density is spread above and below the nucleus so the electrostatic attraction is weaker
Alkenes are quite reactive because they have a very high electron density above and below due to the pi bond, making them more susceptible to electrophiles
Halogenoalkanes are alkanes with one or more halogens
Halogenoalkanes are formed under UV light through a chain reaction
The first stage of the haloalkane chain reaction is initiation:
A halogen absorbs the quantum of UV light and that is enough energy to break the bond
Atoms are identical so split evenly, taking on one electron each from the bond - homolytic fission
This creates two free radicals
Homolytic fission is when a diatomic molecule is split evenly, making two free radicals
A free radical is a highly reactive species with an unpaired electron
The second stage of the chain reaction forming haloalkanes is propagation
Propagation 1:
The halogen free radical takes a hydrogen from the alkene, becoming a stable hydrogen halide and creating an alkene free radical
Propagation 2:
The alkene free radical is also very reactive so it reacts with the halogen, creating another free radical
This happens thousands of times before the free radical is destroyed
The third stage of the chain reaction for forming a haloalkene is termination:
This is a reaction that removes the freeradicals
This may occur if the freeradicalsreact with eachother
CFCs are banned in the UK because the C-Cl bond in chlorofluorocarbon, the free radical produced acts as a catalyst that destroys the ozone layer
Catalytic cracking needs:
Temperatures higher than 720K
Pressure of higher than 1atm
Zeolite catalyst
Zeolite catalysts are a honeycomb structure in order to have an enormous surface area
Zeolite catalysts consist of silicon dioxide and aluminium oxide
Reforming is when straight chain alkanes are turned into branched and cyclic alkanes as they burn more efficiently
Larger chains produce more energy, however the longer the chain, more energy is needed to burn it in the first place
In coal power station power stations, limewash is sprayed to avoid the production of sulfur dioxide, this creates calcium sulphate (gypsum) and CO2
Since 1993, all vehicles are fitted with catalytic converters to reduce nitrous oxide and CO2 emissions
Activities that don't release net CO2 are carbon neutral
Alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons
The only type of isomers alkanes can produce are chain isomers
Alkanes do not dissolve in water because they're non polar
Branched chain alkanes have lower boiling points as the chain have less points of contact
In crude oil, long chain hydrocarbons are significantly less useful
We need biofuels because:
The depletion of resources
Pollution from combustion and fossil fuels
Global warming and climate change
Biodiesel and bioalchohol are not carbon neutral because or harvestry, transportation and processing of fuels
Biodiesel is derived from plants oils such as sunflower oil and is just as efficient of a fuel at regular diesel
The most common bioalchohol is made from the fermentation of sugar and yeast
The issues with the production of bioalchohol are that it only creates a very small concentration and still requires separation from water