Instrumental Case

Cards (10)

  • When using the preposition 's' / 'so', the following word has a different ending.
  • Masculine and Neutral nouns have the ending '-om'. E.g. 'krk' becomes 's krkom'
  • Feminine nouns have the ending '-ou'. E.g. 'hlava' becomes 's hlavou'
  • Processes have the ending '-ím'. E.g. 'spať' becomes 'so spaním'
  • Nouns in the plural have the ending '-mi' / '-ami'. E.g. 'obličky' becomes 's obličkami'
  • S čim?

    with what?
  • S kým?

    With whom?
  • S čim robíte šalat? Robíte šalat s paradajkami.
    What do you make salad with? You are making a salad with tomatoes.
  • S kým idete nakupovať v Sobotu? V Sobotu, idem nakupovať s kamaratkou
    Who do you go shopping with on Saturday? On Saturday, I go shopping with a friend (fem)
  • S kým budete sa bicyklovať? Budem sa bicyklovať s kamaratom.
    Who will you go cycling with? I will go cycling with a friend (masc).