Abnormality psychopathology

Cards (10)

  • 4 ways of defining abnormality
    1. Deviation from social norms
    2. Failure to function adequately
    3. statistical infrequency
    4. deviation from ideal mental health
  • Deviation from social norms
    1. Society’s social norms: are standards of certain acceptable behaviour that are set by a social group
    2. these social norma are unwritten but usually accepted
    3. but deviation from social norms are: abnormal behaviours that go against the unwritten rules of society
  • Failure to function adequately
    1. behaviour is considered abnormal when it cannot be coped in day to day life
    2. causing distress, and inability to work, function etc
    3. they cannot experience usual range of emotions
  • Statistical infrequency + its normal distribution shape 

    Behaviour that is statistically rare, few people show it, is considered abnormal. eg schizophrenia affecting 1/100 people, is considered statistically infrequent. measured using normal distribution curve which is bell shaped and shows the mean given characteristic in the centre and the top and bottom of the graph 2.5%is considered abnormal
  • Deviation from ideal mental health
    • positive self attitude: self respect and concept
    • accurate perception of reality
    • personal autonomy
    • environmental mastery
    • resistant to stress
    • self actualisation and personal growth
  • Accurate perception of reality
    perceiving the world in a non distorted fashion
  • Personal autonomy
    Independent, self reliant to make personal decisions
  • Environmental mastery
    Competent in all aspects of life and flexible in adapting to changing situations
  • Resistant to stress
    Can cope with stressful situations
  • Self actualisation and personal growth
    Motivation to achieve full potiential