Anti-war, New England merchants, believed war violated the Democratic Republican promise of limited government, didn't see impressment as a big deal and instead saw it as an excuse to gain more territory
The first large-scale U.S. union; founded to organize skilled and unskilled laborers, farmers, and factory workers to demand higher wages, 8-hour days, & equal rights
2nd attempt at national labor union that sought to organize all workers and focused on broad social reforms of making each man his own employer, abolishing child-labor, & regulating monopolies
Corrupt organized groups that controlled political parties in the cities. A boss leads the machine and attempts to grab more votes for his party through welfare in exchange for votes, stole millions from taxpayers
A party made up of farmers and laborers that wanted to stop concentration of power in trusts, direct elections of senators, unlimited coinage of silver, graduated income tax, government ownership of railroads, & loans for farmers
Wanted US to expand to have more access to markets & materials, a stronger navy, to compete with other imperialist nations, & a new frontier (believed in past ideas of Manifest Destiny & social Darwinism)
Saw expansion as going against principle of self-determination, rejected racial theories, supported isolationism, & didn't want to waste money on a navy