The Heat Energy that ISN'T absorbed by the Earth Surface, is REFLECTED back into the Atmosphere
SOME of it is reflected back into Space, but MOST of it hits the Greenhouse Gases in our Atmosphere, which ABSORB all of the energy
---> After a while, these Greenhouse Gases RE-EMIT this energy in random directions as Heat, WARMING up the Earth in the process
A) Absorbed
By increasing the amounts of Greenhouse Gases (like CO2) in the Atmosphere, we're increasing the levels of Gases in the Atmosphere that can Absorb and Re-emit Heat, contributing to MORE Global Warming
A) Sun
B) Methane
C) heat
[Contribution to Global Warming]
Human Activity, like Car Exhausts and Burning FossilFuels, release LARGE amounts of Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere
Cutting down large areas of Forest (Deforestation) for Timber and Farming, INCREASES the level of CO2 in the atmosphere, contributing to Global Warming
[Contribution to Global Warming]
Methane is produced naturally from various sources, like Rotting Plants in Marshlands
Two MAN-MADE sources of Methane are: Rice Growing and CattleRearing (Cows farting and burping)
A) Cattle Rearing
[Contribution to Global Warming]
Nitrous Oxide is produced naturally by BACTERIA in the Soil, and the Ocean
---> A LOT MORE is released from soils after FERTILISERS are used
Nitrous Oxide is also released from Vehicle Engines and Industry
A) Bacteria
[Contribution to Global Warming]
CFC's are MAN-MADE chemicals that were once used in AerosolSprays and Fridges
They damage the Earth's OZONELAYER that prevents any UV Radiation from reaching the Earth
SOME CFC's remain and get released, like Leaks from OLD FRIDGES