Global Warming

Cards (7)

  • 4 Greenhouse Gases:
    Carbon Dioxide
    Nitrous Oxide
    CFC's (Chlorofluorocarbons)
  • [Global Warming]
    • The Heat Energy that ISN'T absorbed by the Earth Surface, is REFLECTED back into the Atmosphere
    • SOME of it is reflected back into Space, but MOST of it hits the Greenhouse Gases in our Atmosphere, which ABSORB all of the energy
    ---> After a while, these Greenhouse Gases RE-EMIT this energy in random directions as Heat, WARMING up the Earth in the process
    A) Absorbed
  • By increasing the amounts of Greenhouse Gases (like CO2) in the Atmosphere, we're increasing the levels of Gases in the Atmosphere that can Absorb and Re-emit Heat, contributing to MORE Global Warming
    A) Sun
    B) Methane
    C) heat
  • [Contribution to Global Warming]
    • Human Activity, like Car Exhausts and Burning Fossil Fuels, release LARGE amounts of Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere
    • Cutting down large areas of Forest (Deforestation) for Timber and Farming, INCREASES the level of CO2 in the atmosphere, contributing to Global Warming
  • [Contribution to Global Warming]
    METHANE (CH4):
    • Methane is produced naturally from various sources, like Rotting Plants in Marshlands
    • Two MAN-MADE sources of Methane are: Rice Growing and Cattle Rearing (Cows farting and burping)
    A) Cattle Rearing
  • [Contribution to Global Warming]
    • Nitrous Oxide is produced naturally by BACTERIA in the Soil, and the Ocean
    ---> A LOT MORE is released from soils after FERTILISERS are used
    • Nitrous Oxide is also released from Vehicle Engines and Industry
    A) Bacteria
  • [Contribution to Global Warming]
    • CFC's are MAN-MADE chemicals that were once used in Aerosol Sprays and Fridges
    • They damage the Earth's OZONE LAYER that prevents any UV Radiation from reaching the Earth
    • SOME CFC's remain and get released, like Leaks from OLD FRIDGES
    A) fridges