the cognitive approach

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  • Cognitive psychology

    • Rejects behaviourist approach and believes internal mental process should be scientifically studied
    • Makes inferences as mental processes are private
  • Schemas
    Packages of ideas developed through experience. Mental framework for incoming information
  • As we become older
    Our schemas are more detailed and enable us to remember lots of information quickly. A shortcut to stop us being overwhelmed by stimuli. However, schemas can be distorting.
  • Theoretical models
    Abstract such as information processing model. Information moves through brain in input, storage and retrieval.
  • Computer models
    Concrete. Contributed to development of AI.
  • Cognitive neuroscience

    • Studies the structures on mental processes
    • Advances in brain imaging allow scientists to observe neurological basis of mental processes
    • Scanning techniques also used to establish neurological basis of disorders
  • Cognitive neuroscience uses scientific methods through lab studies to produce reliable, objective data. This has enabled biology and cognitive psychology to enhance scientific basis of study. Therefore, has credible, scientific basis
  • Cognitive neuroscience can be too abstract and theoretical due to reliance on mental processes rather than direct observations. Studies carried out using artificial stimuli so everyday experience is not reflected so lacks external validity.
  • Cognitive neuroscience has practical application due to its contribution to AI and robots which revolutionise how we live in the future. Also applied to treatment of depression and improved reliability of EWT. Increases value of approach
  • Cognitive neuroscience is based on machine reductionism as computer analogy ignored impact of emotions and motivations on cognitive system. E.G, research found memory may be impacted by emotional factors such as anxiety on EWT. Machine reductionism weakens cognitive approach.