Sexual Self

Cards (51)

  • Male sexual behavior can occur at any time, by being aroused to certain stimuli. At puberty, the testes begin to secrete androgens (male sex hormones) which produce secondary sex characteristics like growth of bodily hair and change in tone of voice.
  • Female sexual behavior starts at puberty where the two ovaries begin to produce estrogens and progesterone (female sex hormones). This stage of puberty for females occurs in a cyclical manner which also brought changes.
  • For nonhuman, period of ovulation is only when the ovulation occurs to the female species is receptive to sex.
  • Oral Stage: Birth-1yr; satisfaction or over satisfaction; erogenous zone is the mouth
  • Anal Stage: 1-3yrs; erogenous zone is bowel and bladder control
  • Phallic Stage: 3-6yrs; erogenous zone is the genitals; they are still curious in sexuality and genitals parts (masturbating)
  • Latent Stage: 6 to puberty; libido inactive
  • Genital Stage: Puberty to death; maturing sexual interests
  • Ovary: It is a pair of small, oval organs which produces ova (ovum; female germ cells). Thousands of ova will mature and will be taken up to the fallopian tube through the uterus by the time of puberty.
  • Fallopian Tube: Are a pair of thin tubes that lead from ovaries to the uterus.
  • Uterus (womb): It is a hollow pear-shaped elastic muscular structure where fertilized ovum (zygote) develops into a baby.
  • Vagina: It is a tube leading to outside of the body through an opening called the vulva.
  • Testis: Is the most important part of male reproductive organ. It is the source of Spermatozoa (male germ cell)
  • Scrotum: It is a sac of skin where the two testes are enveloped; directly below and outside of the abdomen.
  • Prostate glands: It is a gland that carries out both urine and seminal fluid. It is connected by sperm ducts from sperm ducts joining into a single tube called urethra.
  • Urethra then leads to the outside of the body through penis.
  • Penis: It is where the ejaculation occurs by sending sperm cells from testis and secreting them out.
  • Sperm: It is a male gametes, one that is necessary for the egg to develop and become a baby.
  • Erogenous Zone: These are parts of the body that are particularly sensitive to touch, pressure and vibration which contributes to sexual
  • Arousal: Iis a subjective sense of sexual pleasure. The physiological sign in males is penile tumescence (erection) and vasocongestion in females leads to vaginal lubrication and nipple erection.
  • Plateau: Is a brief period of time before the orgasm. It is the body’s preparation for orgasm.
  • Orgasm: Is an intense, highly pleasurable experience. When this phase is reached, rhythmic muscular contractions occur in the genitals. In male, the contractions expel semen, a fluid containing sperm, a process called ejaculation. For women and men, breathing and heart rates reach maximum.
  • Resolution: It is where the decrease of arousal (particularly in male) happens. Genitals resume their unaroused state and shape; blood pressure, breathing and heart rate return to normal.
  • Heterosexuality: Is a sexual attraction and behavior directed to the other sex. More than male-female intercourse, it involves kissing, petting, caressing, massaging and other forms of sexual activities.
  • Homosexuality: Is a romantic and/or sexual attraction between members of the same sex.
  • Bisexuality: A person who can be romantically or sexually attracted to the same sex and the other sex.
  • Transexuality: These are people who believed they were born with the body of the other gender. Transsexuals sometimes seek sex exchange operations, which undergo several steps such as intensive sexual counseling, hormone injections, living as a member of desired sex for several years, surgery.
  • Transgenderism - These are people who view themselves as a third gender, they are transvestites (who wear clothes of the other gender) or those who believed that traditional male-female classifications inadequately characterized them.
  • Natural Contraception
    Types of birth control that depend on observations on a woman's body through monitoring and recording different fertility signals during her menstrual cycle
  • Artificial Method
    A diverse method of contraception used to prevent conception of a woman
  • Types of artificial contraception
    • Not all types are appropriate for all situations
  • Using artificial contraception
    • Depends on the individual's health status
    • Depends on the individual's age
    • Depends on the individual's sexual activity
    • Depends on the individual's number of partners
  • Abstinence
    • Rate of Failure : 0%
    • Most effective way of birth control. Done thru abstaining from sexual intercourse. It is also the most eective way to avoid STIs.
  • Calendar Method
    • Rate of Failure : 25%
    • Also called the Rhythm Method. It involves avoiding coitus during the days that the woman is fertile
  • Basal Body Temperature
    • Rate of Failure : 9 to 25
    • BBT is the woman’s body temperature at rest. Done by monitoring the changes in the woman’s temperature every morning before any activity. A slight increase and decrease in her temperature will be her sign of ovulation (fertile). This period the woman must abstain from mating for the next three days.
  • Cervical Mucus Method
    • Rate of Failure : 25%
    • According to this method a woman is fertile when the cervical mucus is profuse and watery. During this time she must avoid coitus during these days.
  • Symptothermal Method
    • Rate of Failure : 2% 
    • It is a combination of Basal Body Temperature (BBT) and Cervical Mucus Method.
  • Lactation Amenorrhea Method
    • This is exclusive for breastfeeding women. Thus, it should be noted that the woman is advised to choose another method after a period of three months or if the mother is not exclusively breastfeeding or is using formula drink for the baby.
  • Coitus Interruptus 
    • Rate of Failure : 75%
    • The oldest method of contraception. This is where the couple proceeds with coitus but the moment he ejaculates, the men withdraw before emitting spermatozoa outside of the vagina.
  • OralContraception
    • It is known as the "pill". Contains synthetic estrogen and progesterone. It is recommended to take the pill on the first Sunday after the beginning of the menstrual flow