An expedition sent by Thomas Jefferson to explore the northwestern territories of the US. Led to more trade routes, stronger claims to territory, slightly improved relations with natives, and improved geographical knowledge
Texas seceded from Mexico & attempts to declare its independence which eventually leads to our adoption of the land as a state although it was feared that it would cause war with Mexico
After Spanish-American war in peace terms US gained the Philippines from Spain. Unpopular for Filipinos who fought alongside the US and thought after the war they'd finally be independent
Self-determination was granted for territories once controlled by Germany, Austro-Hungary, & Russia. Independence granted for Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Lithuania, Finland, & Poland. New nations of Yugoslavia & Czechoslovakia
Thousands of southern African Americans migrated to the north & west to escape racial violence in south & have access to more opportunities in the north.
FDR's huge experiment in regional development, hired thousands of people from poorer regions, to build dams, electric power plants, control flooding, & manufacture fertilizer