08. Stem Cells and Disease

Cards (7)

  • any change in stem cell quiescence, self renewal or differentiation will lead to disease
  • sarcopenia is a loss of muscle mass during ageing
    • due to satellite cell deregulation
    • FGF is normally inhibited by Notch signalling
    • FGF levels increase during ageing and Notch decreases
    • leads to FGF being activated and satellite cells moving out of quiescence
  • satellite cells are monopotent stem cells giving rise to skeletal muscle
    • each myofibril is associated with one satellite cell
  • limbal stem cell deficiency syndrome = normally regenerate eye surface, but not present leading to cloudy eyes and blindness
    • normally only affects one eye so we can transplant cells from working eye
  • quiescence can keep cancer cells alive and cause anti-cancer resistance
  • MDR proteins mark quiescent cells, these pump chemicals out of stem cells
    • cancer cells upregulate these
  • myelodysplastic syndrome = mutation in HSC population that prevents them going down the right differentiation pathway
    • many types, classified on the type of cell that is dysplastic