A natural body originated from weathered (physical/chemical) rocks and minerals & decomposed organic matter, synthesized in a horizontal layer/profile
Important in food production, base of infrastructures, and habitat of living organisms
Provides the basic needs of organisms and supports life on earth
Types of Rocks
Igneous Rocks
Originated from solidified lava or molten rocks, can be intrusive (solidified inside the volcano) or extrusive (solidified at the surface/ground)
Sedimentary Rocks
Formed from sediments (existing rocks, living organism, mineral particles) through processes of fragmentation, transportation, deposition, and cementation
Metamorphic Rocks
Formed due to high temperature and pressure, particularly in the mantle, subjected to "metamorphism"
Types of Sedimentary Rocks
Clastic (made from clasts/fragments of previously existing rocks)
Biogenic (formed when a previously living organism was combined to inorganic compound)
Chemical (build up of minerals which dissolved in H2O)
Types of Minerals
Primary (persist from original rocks)
Secondary (originated from chemical weathering of least resistant primary mineral)
Soil Profile and Factors of Soil Formation
Soil Texture
Permanent property of the soil, can be changed through time via chemical weathering
Soil Textural Classes
Loamy sand
Sandy loam
Silt loam
Sandy clay loam
Clay loam
Silty clay loam
Sandy clay
Silty clay
Munsell Soil Color Chart
A means to visually identify and match color using a scientific approach, with variables of Hue, Value, and Chroma
Soil Structure
The overall architecture of a soil defined by the assemblage of structural units, which it contains
Types of Soil Structures
Granular and crumb
Blocky and subangular blocky
Prismatic and columnar
Classes of Soil Structure
Very fine or very thin
Fine or thin
Coarse or thick
Very coarse or very thick
Grades of Soil Structure
Structureless (massive or single-grain)
Soil Density and Porosity
The liquid and gas portions are essential for plant growth and are found in the pore spaces among the soil solids
Bulk Density
A measure of the mass of a soil per given volume (i.e. g/cm3), including solids and pore spaces
Particle Density
A measure of the mass of soil solids per given volume (g/cm3), excluding pore space
Soil material
Consists very largely of entire aggregates
Includes few broken ones
Includes little or no non-aggregated material
Soil density
Measure of the mass of a soil per given volume (i.e. g/cm3), including solids and pore spaces
Soil porosity
The percent by volume of a soil sample not occupied by solids
The liquid and gas portions are essential for plant growth and are found in the pore spaces among the soil solids
Bulk density
Measure of the mass of a soil per given volume (i.e. g/cm3), including solids and pore spaces
Bulk density is a commonly measured soil property by agriculturist and engineers
High bulk density soils
Have little pore space
Water infiltration is reduced
Root penetration is inhibited
Aeration is restricted
Reducing agricultural productivity
Low bulk density soils
Are easily compacted
May settle considerably to the detriment of roads, sidewalks, and building foundations
Particle density
Measure of the mass of soil solids per given volume (g/cm3), excluding pore space
Particle density is approximated as 2.65 g/cm3, although this number may vary considerably if the soil sample has a high concentration of organic matter or high-density minerals
The percent by volume of a soil sample not occupied by solids
If particle density remains constant
As bulk density increases, porosity decreases
Loose, porous soils have lower bulk densities and greater porosities than tightly packed soils
Varies depending on particle size and aggregation
Is greater in clayey and organic soils than in sandy soils
A large number of small particles in a volume of soil produces a large number of soil pores
Fewer large particles can occupy the same volume of soil so there are fewer pores and less porosity
Porosity does not tell us anything about the size of pores
For an ideal soil, one-half of it is solids, and one-half is pore space
Organic matter is a very small portion of the solids, so it is usually ignored in the bulk density calculation
Decreases porosity as bulk density increases
Decreases porosity because more large pores are present as compared to single clay and silt particles that are associated with smaller pores
Pore size
Pores come in all sizes, although clays have predominantly small pores, and sands have large pores
Most soils are a mixture of sand, silt and clay particles, so there is a mixture of different sized soil pores
An ideal soil condition is one with an equal number of large and small pores
Large pores allow for soil aeration
About 10 percent of the pores must be large enough for aeration so that root growth is not restricted
Small pores are connected to large pores that are connected to medium-sized pores
Within an aggregate, the pores are small, between aggregates, pores are large
Small pores are usually called micropores, and large pores are called macropores