
Cards (34)

  • Duties of employees under HASAWA
    • Follow the rules and regulations that the employers have told them to do
    • Wear the correct PPE
    • Ask employers if unsure about something concerning health and safety
    • Report accidents to employers
  • People at work to whom HASAWA applies
    • Human resources
    • Employers
    • Workers
  • Responsibilities of employers under HASAWA
    • Teach, inform and instruct employees of health and safety rules/laws
    • Provide the correct PPE
    • Put up HSE health and safety posters
    • Report any accidents to higher ups
  • Who is responsible for health and safety nationally in the UK
  • why are health and safety laws important?
    to promote good practice within companies
    ensures the safety of workers, employers and any external people
    ensures serious health and safety hazards are minimised
  • what are acts of parliament known as?
    statutory legislation
  • statutory legislation cat legally enforceable and must be followed to avoid prosecution
  • what are rules made by government administrators called?
    non-statutory legislation
  • what does HASAWA stand for?
    Health and Safety at Work Act
  • what are the objectives of HASAWA?
    the health and safety of ALL people at work
    the protection of others at risk at work
    the control of dangerous substances
    the control of dangerous emissions
  • HASAWA makes health and safety everyone responsibility
  • under HASAWA the employer had to provide personal protective equipment (PPE)
    the HASAWA applies to all companies with five for more employees
  • what does MHSWR stand for?
    Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations
  • why was MHSWR introduced for?
    to enforce HASAWA
    it states that employers must manager all health and safety risks
    but also places responsibilities of both employers and employees to maintain health and safety
  • employers must:
    • undertake risk assessments
    • appoint a competent person to oversee all health and safety
    • provide health and safety training
  • employees must:
    • report all health and safety shortcomings
    • report all dangerous situations as well as incidents and accidents
    • use equipment in accordance with the provided training and instructions
    • take care of their own health and safety but also the safety of others that are affected by their work
  • what does PUWER stand for?
    Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations
  • what are the objectives of PUWER?
    it places duties on companies that own, operate and/or have control over work equipment/machinery
    This regulation requires that:
    • a person who is properly trained and is competent works on the equipment
    • the piece of equipment is effectively guarded to protect the user
    • the equipment is maintained and full records are kept
  • what does MHOR stand for?
    Manual Handling Operations Regulation
  • what does LOLER stand for?
    Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations.
  • what does WAHR stand for?

    Working At Height Regulation
  • what does CEMFAW stand for?
    Control of Electromagnetic Fields at Work Regualtion
  • what does RIDDOR stand for?

    Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations
  • what does COSHH stand for?
    Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
  • why is PPE important?
    PPE is important for when you cannot fully minimise a risk,
    PPE should be provided by the employers
  • PPE should be properly assessed before it is used
    it should be properly maintained and stored
    provided with the proper instructions and training on how to use the PPE
  • what is the aim of control of noise at work regulation
    the aim is to protect all workers hearing from loud or repetitive noises that can cause hearing damage
    employers must provide hearing protection
    hearing protection needs to be provided if workers are exposed to noise 85 decibels or over
  • what does control if noise at work regulations do?
    Protects workers from excessive noise levels and repetitive noises
    this is because is can cause hearing damage.
  • what does MHOR aim for?
    this law covers: lifting, lowering, pushing, moving, carrying a load.
    this law aims to ensure all manual handling is safe and does not hurt anyone
    employees must hav ebeen trained on how to safely pick up and put down heavy loads/
    lifting operations should be planned ahead of time, employers must provide medical aid to avoid injuries.
  • what does LOLER aim for?

    all lifting operations using lifting equipment should be properly planned out by a competent worker and regular risk assessment should be done on the piece of equipment
  • what does WAHR aim for?
    that proper risk assessments aren't before hand, all workers are competent and have the correct PPE
    jobs that are very high up should be properly planned out and all equipment used have been inspected beforehand.
  • what does the electricity at work regulation cover?

    all aspects of the use of electricity within the workplace
  • what must employers do under the electricity at work regulation?
    have an electrical system constructed in a way that prevents danger
    maintain all electrical systems
    carry out work on electrical systems in a safe way
    provide all workers with the correct training
  • what must employees do under the electricity at work regulation?
    should follow proper training
    have suitable knowledge of the work they are doing
    have suitable experience with the job
    have suitable supervision for safety