There are many different types of variables, each type used to store different things
You 'define' a variable by telling the compiler: what name you will use to refer to it, the initial value of the variable
Defining a variable
Specify an initial value
Assignment statement
Use the '=' sign to place a new value into a variable
The '=' sign is NOT used for comparison, it copies the value on the right side into the variable on the left side
Assignment syntax
The value on the right of the '=' sign is assigned to the variable on the left
Types of numbers
Whole number (integer or int)
Number with fraction part (float)
Sequence of characters (string)
The data type is associated with the value, not the variable
Updating a variable (assigning a new value)
The new value replaces the previous contents of the variable
Updating a variable (computed)
Calculate the right hand side, store the result in the variable on the left
A variable can be assigned different values of different types at different places in a program
Number literals in Python
Floating point
Exponential notation
Imaginary numbers
Naming variables
Variable names must start with a letter or '_', continue with letters, digits or '_', no other symbols or spaces, use camelCase, don't use reserved Python words
You must define a variable before you use it
Variables whose value should not be changed after initial assignment, use UPPER_CASE naming convention
Python will let you change the value of a constant, but you shouldn't do it
If you mix integer and floating-point values in an expression, the result is a floating-point value
Floor division
The '//' operator computes the quotient and discards the fractional part
The '%' operator calculates the remainder of dividing two integers
Calling functions
Provide the correct number of arguments when calling a function
Most functions return a value
Integer Division
Calculates the number of whole units (e.g. dollars)
Handy to use integer division and remainder for making change
A collection of programming instructions that carry out a particular task
When calling a function you must provide the correct number of arguments, otherwise the program will generate an error
Functions that return a value
The function completes its task and passes a value back to the point where the function was called
Built-in functions
Functions that are defined as part of the Python language and can be used without importing any modules
Built-in mathematical functions
sqrt(), sin(), cos(), etc.
Python libraries (modules)
Collections of code written and compiled by others, ready for use in your program
Use functions from the Math module
1. Import the module
2. Call the function
Floating point values are not exact due to limitations of binary representation
Roundoff errors can be dealt with by rounding to the nearest integer or displaying a fixed number of digits after the decimal
Unbalanced parentheses
At any point in an expression the count of "(" must be greater than or equal to the count of ")", and at the end of the expression the two counts must be the same
Using spaces in expressions makes them easier to read
There are different ways to import modules in Python
A sequence of characters
if statement
Allows a program to carry out different actions depending on the nature of the data to be processed