Volatilestorage is temporary. Volatile values (stored in variables) are lost when the computer loses its power.
o Non-volatilestorage is permanent. A Java program that is saved on a disk uses a non-volatile storage.
RAM stands for Random Access Memory
a text file consists of data that can be read in a text editor
a binary file contains data that is not encoded as text
permanent files are stored in main directory or root directory
directories in which files are located are called path
(\)path delimiter is special character used to seperate used to seperate path components
path class creates objects that contain information about files and directories, such as sizes, locations, creation dates, and is used to check whether a file or directory exists.
files class performs operations on files and directories, such as determining their attributes, creating input and output streams, and deleting them.
to use both path and file classes, add the following statement. import java.nio.file.*;
to create and define a path. Path filePath = Paths.get("asdasd\\asda\\asdasd");
absolute path is a complete path; does not need any information
relative path depends on other information
String toString() Returns the String representation of the Path, eliminating double backslashes
Path getFileName() Returns the file or directory denoted by this Path; this is the last item
in the sequence of name elements.
intgetNameCount() Returns the number of name elements in the Path
PathgetName() Returns the name in the position of the Path specified by the integer parameter
convert relative path to absolute path. toAbsolutePath()
delete() method of the Files class accepts a Path parameter and removes the last element
To retrieve useful information about a file, the readAttributes() method of the Files class is used.
A character can be any letter, number, or other special symbol (such as punctuation mark) that makes up data.
field is a group of characters that has some meaning.
record is a collection of fields that contain data about an entity
file consists of related records
readAttributes method takes 2 arguments
A stream is a flow of data.
· Flushing clears any bytes that have been sent to a buffer for output but have not yet been displayed on a hardware device.
An exception is an event that occurs during the execution of a program that disrupts the normal flow of instructions.
Exception handling is the process used to change the normal flow of code execution if a specified exception occurs.
Exceptions that occur during compilation are called checkedexceptions
Unchecked exceptions are exceptions that occur during execution.
The class is not found.
Access to a class is denied.
Attempt to create an object of an abstract class or an interface.
A requested method does not exist.
Accessing an invalid index of the array
Arithmetic error, such as an integer divided by 0
Invalid conversion of a string to a numeric format
·A tryblock is a block of code that might throw an exception that can be handled by a matching catch