The reactantmolecules are adsorbed on to the solidcatalystsurface by formingbondsbetween the catalyst and reactantatoms
Why is a solid heterogeneous catalyst suitable for a reaction in the gas phase? [1]
It provides a surface area for the reaction.
How to find the decrease of activation energy for a forward reaction when a catalyst is added?
Lowered. Therefore, find the difference in the peaks when the reaction was uncatalysed and then catalysed.
Activation energy of a reaction
The minimumenergyrequired for a reaction to occur
What does a catalyst provide a reaction
Increases the rate. Provides an alternativereactionpathway that had a lower activation energy -> a greaterproportion of molecules in the reactionmixture that would have the activationenergy
how do heterogeneous catalysts work?
Reactants ADsorb on to the surface of the catalyst, which has active sites on it. 2. Reactant bonds are weakened & a chemical reaction occurs. 3. The products DEsorb from the active site on the catalyst surface