Cards (9)

  • Spam
    Unsolicited emails or text messages sent to large numbers of people
  • Spam
    • Could be hoax messages designed to mislead
    • Could be used to advertise a product
  • The EU Directive on Privacy and Electronic Communications came into force in the latter part of 2003 and covers both email and SMS spam
  • The CAN-SPAM Act took effect in the USA in January 2004 to limit the volume of spam email
  • Spam can be sent from one country to another, making it difficult for countries with legislation to enforce their rules in countries that do not
  • How spammers obtain email addresses
    1. Random email generator
    2. Accessing company databases
    3. Searching websites
    4. Searching online discussion groups
    5. Including links in images within emails to inform spammer when opened
  • Spammers may harvest vast numbers of email addresses, but not immediately know whether a particular email address is 'live'
  • Clicking on the 'unsubscribe' option in a spam email verifies to the spammers that the email address is live
  • Guidelines for minimising spam
    • Don't reply to spam emails
    • Don't use the unsubscribe option in response to unrequested emails
    • Don't reveal your email address unless you want to receive mail from a particular source
    • Don't post your email address on a website
    • Create a new email address when registering on websites or joining discussion groups
    • Set your email software to filter out unwanted messages
    • Ensure all other users of your computer follow the above guidance