government - the government led by Prime Minister Clement Attlee after World War II helped the country to recover following WWII and built the welfare state
participation- the introduction of the One Member One Vote (OMOV) in 2014 to ensure that every individual party member had an equal say in leadership elections, policy development and the selection of parliamentary candidates
participation - the Labour Party has faced criticism for a lack of internal democracy with decision making often centralised among party leaders
representation- All Women shortlists: the labour party has actively used all women shortlists to increase female representation in parliament
representation - despite being known for its focus on social justice and equality, the Labour Party has faced criticism for a lack of diversity in its leadership positions
policy making - the Labour Party’s introduction of the NHS in 1948 remains one of the most significant and enduring policies in British policies
policy making - the decision by the Labour Party, under PM Tony Blair, to support the invasion of Iraq in 2003 was highly controversial and had a significant impact on British troops
Recruitment- the Labour Party has embraced digital platforms and social media to reach a wider audience and engage with potential members
recruitment- the Labour Party has faced challenges in connecting with and engaging working-class voters