Cousin Kate

Cards (7)

  • "Why did a great lord find me out/ and praise my flaxen hair?"
  • "He lured me to his palace-home [...] to lead a shameless shameful life"
  • "his plaything and his love [...] he changed me like a glove"
  • "he saw you at your father's gate [...] he watched your steps along the lane, /your sport among the rye: /he lifted you"
  • "even so I sit and howl in dust/ you sit in gold and sing [...] you had the stronger wing"
  • "my fair-haired son, my shame, my pride, /cling closer, closer [....] to wear his coronet"
    • Lived/wrote in Victorian Era (women had harsh social expectations) ---> had to be chaste, else "fallen women"
    • But, men could use prostitutes as outlet of sexual desires (even if married)
    • Rossetti thought it was unfair - protested for women's rights through her poems
    • She helped "fallen women" + volunteered St. Mary Magdalene's House of Charity in Highgate
    • Remained unmarried