Occurs at the time the maximum therapeutic effects of hot or cold application is achieved and the opposite effects begin.
Rebound phenomenon
Negates the therapeutic effect of heat and cold application
20-30 minutes
Time when maximum vasodilation heat produces
temperature of skin when maximum vasoconstriction
Continuation of heat application beyond 30 - 45 minutes
May result to tissue congestion, vasoconstriction and client’s at risk of burn
Continuation of cold application below 15 Degree Celsius
May result to vasodilatation begins w/c is protective & prevents freezing of body tissues
Prolonged cold application
May result to impaired circulation, cell deprivation & subsequent tissue damage due to lack of oxygen & nourishment
conducts heat better than air
better tolerance
Smaller area =
lower tolerance
Larger area of exposure
Responds to signals from the thermal receptors
Controls body temperature
Thermoregulatory center in the brain
Anterior hypothalamus
Part of the hypothalamus that dissipate heat
Posterior hypothalamus
Part of the hypothalamus that conserve heat
A common form of dry heat used at home
It is a rubber pad of tubular construction that can be filled with distilled water, an electrical unit heats the water and keeps it at an even temperature
K pad
other term for aquathermia
Electric heating pad
This provides constant and even heat. It has wires that provide heat should be covered by rubber or plastic to ensure safety
Heat lamp
It is a gooseneck lamp containing a 60-watt bulb
Heat lamp
applied 18-24 inches from the body
Heat cradle
A metal cradle in which several electric sockets are installed for 25-watt luminous bulb, applied 18 inches away from the patient
Heat packs
commercially prepared and disposable
Hot packs
commercially prepared and disposable
Gel filled hot packs
gel-filled hot packs are available commercially and are reusable
Thermal blanket
Similar to the water-flow heating pad except that it is of
blanket size
Deep heat treatment. Electrical energy is changed to heat similar to the principle underlying the microwave
A form of local moist heat application done with compress cloth.
Sitz bath
Means of applying tepid or hot water to the pelvic or rectal area. Clients are placed in a tub filled with sufficient water to reach the umbilicus
40 - 43
Temperature for Sitz bath
15 - 20 minutes
Duration of Sitz bath
Warm soaks
Immersion of a body area into warm water or a
medicated solution. Soften and remove encrusted secretions and dead tissue
Ice bag application
Relatively easy and inexpensive method for applying cold to the area affected
Gel filled cold pack
available commercially and reusable cold pack
Thermal Blanket (Cooling)
commonly referred as hypothermia blanket. the blanket cools the patient to the desired body temperature and
maintains that level
a form of local, moist cold application done with compress cloth.