eyes (2nd sem, midterms)

Cards (28)

  • appears as a white arc around the limbus
    Arcus senilis under age 40
  • unequal pupils
  • Dilated and fixed pupils, typically resulting from central nervous system injury, circulatory collapse, or deep anesthesia.
  • Also known as pinpoint pupils, characterized by constricted and fixed pupils — possibly a result of narcotic drugs or brain damage.
  • squint; deviation of the eye which the patient cannot overcome

  • involuntary rapid movement (horizontal, vertical, rotatory, or mixed) of the eyeball
  • involuntary eye movement
    cranial nerve III (oculomotor nerve)
  • moving the penlight towards the nose
    cranial nerve IV (trochlear nerve)
  • checking for both pupils reaction to light
    cranial nerve VI (abducens nerve)
  • History of blurred vision/Corneal irregularity
  • Abnormal, progressive opacity of the lens/Pupil may appear cloudy/Red reflex absent or darkened
    • Tunnel vision
    • May be asymptomatic
    • 2nd leading cause of blindness worldwide
  • associated with loss of central vision and elevated eye pressure
    Primary Open Angle Glaucoma (POAG)
  • Painless yellow nodule caused by thickening of bulbar conjunctiva
  • esotropia
    eye turns inward
  • exotropia
    eye turns outward
  • Immunologic disorder in which lacrimal, salivary, and other glands do not produce enough moisture
    SJÖGREN’S Syndrome
  • The ability to discern letters or numbers at a given distance
    (TESTING VISUAL ACUITY) The Snellen Chart
  • Jaeger Test
    An eye chart used in testing NEAR VISION ACUITY
  • Myopia
  • Hyperopia
  • Presbyopia
    Farsightedness due to aging
  • Useful to test the distance visual acuity of CHILDREN or ADULTS who cannot communicate verbally due to physical / mental disability, language barrier or other reasons

    Snellen E Chart
  • Also known as the “Tumbling E” Eye Chart
    Snellen E Chart
  • Benign pigmented congenital discoloration
  • Growth or thickening of conjunctiva from inner canthal area toward iris
    Pterygium or pinguecula
  • Eye injury
    Subconjunctival hemorrhage
  • Cloudy cornea
    • vit A deficiency; infection which may be accompanied by HYPOPYON (pus in anterior chamber)