Circulatory System

Cards (61)

  • Circulatory System

    Responsible for transporting materials throughout the entire body
  • Circulatory System
    • Transports nutrients, water, and oxygen to body cells
    • Carries away wastes such as carbon dioxide that body cells produce
    • An amazing highway that travels through your entire body connecting all your body cells
  • Gases transported to and from body cells
    • Carbon dioxide
    • Oxygen
  • Oxygen is the gas needed for respiration and is transported to the body's cells
  • Blood in circulatory system
    • Oxygen-rich blood
    • Oxygen-poor blood
  • Arrangement of circulatory system means that oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor blood do not mix
  • Components of circulatory system
    • Heart
    • Blood
    • Vessels
    • Arteries
    • Veins
    • Capillaries
  • Heart

    Organ at the centre of the circulatory system that pumps blood around the body
  • Heart
    • Divided into two sections to keep oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor blood apart
    • Right side contains oxygen-poor blood
    • Left side contains oxygen-rich blood
  • Heart structure
    1. Septum separates right and left sides
    2. Atria (upper chambers) receive blood
    3. Ventricles (lower chambers) pump blood out of heart
  • Heart chambers
    • Two atria (upper chambers)
    • Two ventricles (lower chambers)
  • Valves
    • Connected to inner walls of heart by tough tendons
    • Allow valves to close and hold valve flaps in place
    • Prevent valves from flipping up and turning inside out
  • Valves act like a door that only opens in one direction
  • Tendons holding valves are like the arm holding the door, allowing valve to only open in one direction
  • How heart pumps blood
    • Heart is made of muscle that contracts (squeezes) and relaxes
    • Parts of heart work together in a repeated sequence - atria contract and relax, then ventricles contract and relax
    • This is how blood moves through heart and is pumped to lungs and body
    • One complete sequence of contraction and relaxation is a heartbeat
  • Path of blood through circulatory system
    1. Superior/Inferior Vena Cava
    2. Right Atrium
    3. Tricuspid Valve
    4. Right Ventricle
    5. Pulmonary Valve
    6. Pulmonary Artery
    7. Lungs
    8. Pulmonary Vein
    9. Left Atrium
    10. Mitral Valve
    11. Left Ventricle
    12. Aortic Valve
    13. Aorta
    14. Body
  • Types of blood vessels
    • Arteries (carry blood away from heart)
    • Capillaries (link arterioles to veins)
    • Veins (carry blood towards heart)
  • Arteries
    • Large vessels
    • Carry oxygen-rich blood (except pulmonary arteries)
    • Thick walls to withstand pressure from heart
  • Capillaries

    • Smallest blood vessels
    • Walls are only one cell thick and very narrow
    • Important for bringing nutrients and oxygen to tissues and absorbing CO2 and other waste products
  • Veins

    • Contain connective tissue and smooth muscle
    • Largest veins contain one-way valves to keep blood flowing towards heart
    • Many found near skeletal muscles, which contract to force blood through veins
  • Blood pressure

    The force of blood on the walls of the arteries
  • Measuring blood pressure

    1. Cuff is wrapped around upper arm and pumped with air until blood flow is blocked
    2. As pressure in cuff is relaxed, two numbers are recorded:
    Systolic pressure - force when ventricles contract
    Diastolic pressure - force when ventricles relax
  • Blood composition

    Plasma (55%)
    Cellular components (45%)
  • Types of blood cells
    • Red blood cells
    White blood cells
  • Plasma

    90% water
    10% dissolved gases, salts, nutrients, enzymes, hormones, wastes, and proteins
  • Plasma proteins

    Albumins and globulins - transport substances
    Fibrinogen - responsible for blood clotting
  • Red blood cells

    • Most numerous type
    Transport oxygen
    Get color from hemoglobin
    Made in red bone marrow
    Circulate for 120 days
  • White blood cells
    • Guard against infection, fight parasites, and attack bacteria
    Number increases when body is fighting
  • Lymphocytes

    Produce antibodies which fight pathogens and remember them
  • Platelets

    • Aid the body in clotting
    Small fragments
    Stick to edges of broken blood cells and secrete clotting factor to help form clot
  • Types of white blood cells
    • Granulocytes (basophils, neutrophils, eosinophils)
    Agranulocytes (lymphocytes, monocytes)
  • Main functions of blood
    • Transport
    Temperature regulation
  • Circulatory System
    Responsible for transporting materials throughout the entire body
  • Circulatory System
    • Transports nutrients, water, and oxygen to body cells
    • Carries away wastes such as carbon dioxide that body cells produce
    • An amazing highway that travels through your entire body connecting all your body cells
  • Gases transported to and from the body's cells
    • Carbon dioxide
    • Oxygen
  • Oxygen is the gas needed for respiration and is transported to the body's cells
  • Two types of blood in the circulatory system
    • Oxygen-rich blood
    • Oxygen-poor blood
  • Arrangement of the circulatory system means that the two types of blood do not mix
  • Components of the circulatory system
    • Heart
    • Blood
    • Vessels
    • Arteries
    • Veins
    • Capillaries
  • Heart
    The organ at the centre of the circulatory system that pumps blood around the body