Alexander II Debates

Cards (12)

  • My opinion for deciding how liberal Russian government was from 1855 to 1881 is that it was not liberal
  • 3 factors supporting Russian government was liberal?
    • Emancipation Edict
    • Zemstva introduction
    • Glasnost
  • 3 factors challenging the Russian government was liberal?
    • tsar was forced to introduce Zemstva and regretted it immediately (liberal members began criticising the Zemstva)
    • had much liberal opposition e.g. People's Will who assassinated him for not making enough liberal changes
    • only real change was abolishment of Personal chancellery of his imperial majesty and introduction of council of ministers
  • in my opinion the reforms made by Alexander II to improve the status of Russian peasants were limited
  • 3 factors supporting reforms made by Alexander II improved status of peasants?
    • Emancipation Edict - allowed to own property and marry whoever
    • Nobles had to hand over proportions of land to peasants (reduced their land by 40%)
    • Zemstva gave peasantry a voice
  • 4 factors challenging the idea reforms by Alexander II improved status of Russian peasants?
    • peasants had to pay redemption payments over 49 years (right to land not acquired until after payments)
    • peasants allocated poorer land - made it hard to pay redemption payments
    • Mir were very strict with their administration of payments
    • Peasant housing were the izbas
  • i agree with the statement that Alexander II's reforms were due to the Crimean War
  • 3 factors showing Alexander II's reforms were down to the Crimean War?
    • showed that serfdom under autocratic rule wasn't beneficial for modern warfare - led to introduction of the Zemstva
    • army was a bunch of serfs who were not trained = higher chance of revolt or lack of commitment - led to Emancipation in the hope it would make them more loyal
    • soldiers were poorly supplied - lead to proto management of the economy and focus on industrialisation to improve weapon supply
  • 2 factors showing Alexander II's reforms were not due to the Crimean War?
    • there was already pressure to abolish serfdom as it was seen as immoral
    • demands from politicians for more work on projects such as railway routes
  • i disagree with the statement that issues relating the Empire and minorities were neglected by Alexander II
  • a factor showing Alexander II neglected issues relating to the Empire and minorities?
    • kept his fathers policies towards Baltic Germans despite rise in nationalism
  • 3 factors showing Alexander II did not neglect issues relating to the Empire and minorities?
    • Polish revolt of 1863 was intervened by Russian army as they captured and executed rebel leaders
    • didn't attempt to Russify central east Asia as he knew the complexity of communication
    • allowed practical measures for Jews - some Jews were allowed to live outside of Pale of Settlement