virgil 3

Cards (8)

  • quam multa in silvis autumni frigore primo
    As many as the leaves which glide and fall in the woods
  • lapsa cadunt folia, aut ad terram gurgite ab alto
    at the first chill of autumn, or as many as the birds (which) flock together
  • quam multae glomerantur aves, ubi frigidus annus
    towards the land from the deep ocean, when the cold season
  • trans pontum fugat et terris immittit apricis.
    puts them to flight across the sea and sends them into sunny lands.
  • stabant orantes primi transmittere cursum
    They were standing, begging to make the crossing first
  • tendebantque manus ripae ulterioris amore.
    and were stretching out their hands in longing for the far bank.
  • navita sed tristis nunc hos nunc accipit illos,

    But the gloomy boatman accepts now these, now those,
  • ast alios longe summotos arcet harena.
    but he keeps others away, pushed back a long way from the sand.