Jumping events: high jump, polevault, long jump, triple jump
Combined events: decathlon, heptathlon
Techniques of running over obstacles
1. Don't approach the hurdle in the wrong direction
2. Run at the hurdle
3. Maintain a smooth, fast running
4. Keep the bodyweight/hip forward
5. Run fast on the finish line
6. Lead leg goes first over the hurdle, trail leg follows
110m hurdle
Event for boys, first hurdle is 13.72m, rest are 9.14m, finish line is 14.02m
100m hurdle
Event for girls, first hurdle is 13m, rest are 8.5m, finish line is 10.5m
Sprint race
Covers a distance of 60m to 400m, purpose is to perform the given distance in a short time, starts from a crouched position
Sprint relay
Built differently from sprint race, has 4 athletes and baton exchange with a 20mexchange zone and 18mdeclaration area, 1st athlete holds baton in right hand, 2nd athlete receives in left hand
Types of relay
4 athletes with 100m
4 athletes with 400m
Baton exchange
Upsweep: receiving hand extended behind the hip height with palm facing down, wide angle between thumb and fingers
Downsweep: receiving hand extended behind, pass baton downward
A field event where athletes aim to maximize the horizontaldistance from a given mark
Phases: approachrun-up to achieve ideal/maximum controllable speed, take-off to maximize vertical velocity and minimize loss in horizontal velocity, flight using hanging or hitch kick style, landing on the supported area
High jump
A track and field event where athletes jump unaided over a horizontal bar, used in different sports like basketball and rugby
Throwing events
Overhead rack world throw
The face of the thrower is opposite to the throwing area, maximum force delivered from the squat position between two legs in extended hand movement, slight spine may occur during bent over squat, the overall purpose is to throw a ball back over the head for maximum distance to the throwing area