Cerebral palsy

Cards (17)

  • umbrella of conditions
  • affect a persons ability to move, caused by brain damage sustained in pregnancy, during delivery, shortly after birth
  • most common physical disability in children
  • Caused by single event of decreased O2
  • limits activity related to non progressive disturbance in the developing fetal or infant brain
  • Abnormal muscle tone, decreased sensation, decreased communication, decreased coordination, altered mobility, seizure, hearing and vision impairment
  • Severity depends on which part of the brain is effected
  • Lifelong implications: manage deficits can assist child to achieve maximum potential in growth and developement
  • physiotherapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy can help significantly
  • classified by type of moment: spastic, dyskinetic, ataxic
  • Spastic: tight/stiff upper motor neuron, hypertonia, "scissor gait", "toe-walk"
  • Dyskinetic- basal ganglia, involuntary movement, dystonia
  • Ataxia: without order, shaky, cerebellum, poor balance
  • Pain, sleep disorders, eating, speaking, vision problem
  • Treatment: physical therapy, surgery, muscle relaxants
  • can be genetic, most often caused prenatally- radiation, infection, hypoxia
  • Focus of nursing care: promote growth and development, promote mobility, maintaining optimal nutritional intake, provide support and education