aqa re themes love

Cards (23)

  • what are the 3 catholic beliefs on marriage?
    1. marital: the couple is exclusively committed to each other for life and will accept the gift of children
    2.unitive: sexual love deepens and expresses a couple's love for each other until they become 'one flesh', it is beneficially meaningful for a relationship
    3. procreative: open/acceptful of creating new life, there is more intensity in creating new life
  • give 3 quotes that support catholic beliefs on marriage:
    1. "until death do us part"
    2. "husband and wife will encounter each other in bodily union"
    3. "be fruitful and multiply"
  • what does the theology of the body teach about marital sex?
    - the man and woman give themselves to each other; within their self-giving they discover more about themselves and each other as one.
    -it shows commitment, mutual love, respect -> which leads to greater intimacy -> leads to creating new life
    - the mutual love involves responsible parenthood and not
    having more children than the couple can lovingly provide for
    (- the female body has natural periods of infertility which can be used to reduce chances of pregnancy) (CONTRACEPTION)
  • what does the theology of the body teach about extra-martial sex?
    - the use of contraception damages the value and significance of sex
    - it makes people selfish and self-centered -> it 'stops' sex from being committing and loving but instead is exploited for personal sexual pleasure
    - it's a sin which destroys God's plan for humans
  • what does it teach about adultery?
    - breaks marital law so becomes an issue of injustice
    - "everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart" - Matt 5:28
  • name at least 3 conditions of a valid catholic marriage:
    1. the couple must not be closely related
    2. must be willing to accept God's gift of children
    3. not valid until consumated

    extra reasons: must intend to be married for life ("until death do us part"); must not already be married (bigamy); and must not be forced or coerced into marriage
  • give the 3 grounds of annulment required:
    1. lack of capacity: people must be capable of entering a marriage
    2. lack of consent: marriage must be entered willingly; both parties must have a sufficient understanding of what they are committing to
    3. lack of form: a catholic ceremony officiated by a priest must take place
  • what is the catholic position on divorce?
    - "it is a grave offence against natural law"
    - God created man and woman to be together for life, "united as one flesh"
    - when catholics marry it should be for life
    - promises also made before God should not be broken because marriage is a covenant
  • what is the catholic position on remarrying?
    - the cathechism supports the belief that "a new union cannot be recognised as valid if the first marriage was"
    - a catholic can get married if their partner has dies or if the marriage was annulled
  • what is the catholic view on contraception?
    "the church is right to discourage artificial contraception"
    - artificial forms of contraception are not okay! as catholics should be open to having children
    natural family planning: withdrawal method and rhythm method
  • what does the familiaris contortis state about families?
    -they should be there for each other
    -they should reconcile
    Jesus teaches that parents are responsible for to guide and respect their children; and that they are welcome in heaven
    -encourage children to follow religious ideas
  • what is the catholic view on cohabitation?
    CC disagrees with it because:
    - it breaks the sanctity of sexual union
    - suggests the couple are having sex before marriage
    - it reduces the efforts to make the relationship last
    - it destroys the traditional sense of family
    YOUCAT: "to wait until they are married before they start too have sexual relations"
  • what is the catholic purpose of family life?
    -share in the life and mission of the church
    -to form a community
    -support the life and personal development of each individual
    -development of wider society
  • what is the catholic view on traditional families?
    -the mother cares for the home and the children
    - father's role it to protect and provide for the family
    -however the church regards men and women as equally important
  • what is the catholic view on single people having children?
    -procreation should take place between man and woman within marriage
    -IVF and surrogacy is not permitted because it goes against natural law and 'plays God'
    -although the church doesn't support single parent households, single parents in need are supported
  • what is the catholic view on same-sex couples?
    -same-sex relationships aren't permitted
    -they should remain celibate
    -catholic church used to ran adoption clinics but due to law changes on homosexuality discrimination, they've shut down
  • what does the catholic church believe about gender equality?
    -the cc believes in equality -> imago dei
    -this doesn't mean men and women are the same but should both have dignity and rights
    -the fact that men and women have differences helps them create a natural bond of strength and completes them as individuals and then as a couple
  • give 3 bible references which don't support gender equality:
    ST PAUL:
    NT: 1 corinthians 11:3-16 -> teaches that women are inferior to men; the husband has more power than the man
    NT: 1 Timothy 2:11-12 -> women shouldn't have a voice and should be submissive to men
    NT: 1 peter 3:5-6 -> women should obey their husbands
  • what is the catholic view on gender prejudice?
    -it opposes gender prejudice and discrimination because we are all made in the image of God
    -it goes against a woman's dignity to be harmful as respect was given to everyone by God - sanctity of life
    -however the church maintains that only men can be priests (APOSTOLIC SUCCESSION)
  • what is apostolic succession?
    -Jesus chose 12 disciples (all men)
    -Peter lead the church and became the 1st Pope
    -The church gets its teaching authority from Jesus
    -the authority and wisdom gets passed onto the next Pope
    - therefore women can't be priest because it technically ruins/breaks the succession/cycle
  • what is in Persona Christi?
    -a priest will be in the person of christ because in the sacraments they administer, it is God and Christ who act through the priest
  • what is transubstantiation?
    -when the priest consecrates the bread and wine, it transforms into the body and blood of Christ
  • what are some non-religious view points on discrimination?
    -1975 sex discrimination act
    -men and women should be entitled to equal pay
    -roles traditionally reserved for men and women have switched or are shared
    CHURCH OF ENGLAND: allows women to be vicars, ministers or pastors