Protection against malware

Cards (6)

  • Install virus protection software
    This is a program that can be loaded into memory when the computer is running. It monitors activity on a computer system for the signs of virus infection. Each virus has its own unique ‘signature’ that is known to virus protection software and stored in a database. Data stored on a computer system is scanned to see if any of the virus signatures within the database exist on the system.
  • Firewall
    Can be a software or hardware security system that controls the incoming and outgoing network traffic. Packets of data are analysed to determine whether they should be allowed through or not.
  • Keep your operating system up to date
    New ways to bypass the operating system’s built-in security are often discovered and can be covered by installing the security patches issued by the operating system manufacturer.
  • Use the latest versions of web browsers

    As with operating systems, the manufacturers of web browsers seek to continually improve their products and remove possible security vulnerabilities. Most browsers will download updates automatically, but will need a restart for the update to be installed.
  • Look out for phishing emails

    Emails that ask you to confirm personal details are usually fakes. They should be caught by the spam filter, but be suspicious and do not provide any sensitive information.
  • malicious software removal tool
    Should detect and remove malware not blocked by the anti-virus software.