An important Jewish prayer, recited twice a day - Shema
A house of assembly. A building for Jewish prayer and study - Synagogue
Jewish day of rest and spiritual renewal. Begins at sunset Friday until sunset Saturday - Shabbat
Major branch of Judaism which has diversity of interpretations of Jewish laws and practices, believe they can choose what laws to follow - Reform
Major branch of Judaism which faithfully follows the beliefs and practices of traditional Judaism, believe the torah is eternal and unchanging - Orthodox
Meaning fit, proper or correct. Laws concerned with foods that can / can’t be eaten by Jews, and how those food should be prepared - Kashrut
Official name for holy arc containing torah scrolls, focal point of synagogue - Aron Hakodesh
Religious teacher and leader who can make decisions on matters of Jewish law. Will often lead worship in synagogue and conduct rituals, like Bat Mitzvah - Rabbi
A cap worn by Jewish males during worship, reminder of God’s presence and symbol of respect - Kippah
Meaning ‘eternal light.’ Lamp near ark in synagogue that is constantly lit, reminder of God’s presence- Ner tamid