Exchanging substances

Cards (12)

  • The lungs' job is to transfer oxygen to blood and remove waste carbon dioxide from it. They contain alveoli where gas exchange occurs.
  • Blue is blood with carbon dioxide
    Red is blood with oxygen
  • Alveoli are specialised to maximise the diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide through their
    • large surface area
    • moist lining for dissolving gases
    • very thin walls
    • good blood supply
  • The inside of the small intestine is covered in villi. They increase surface area so digested food is absorbed into the blood quicker.
  • Villi have a
    • single layer of surface cells
    • very good blood supply to assist quick absorption
  • Gills have a large surface area for gas exchange. Each gill is made up of lots of tiny gill filaments covered in lamellae which
    • increase surface area
    • have lots of blood capillaries to speed up diffusion
    • have a thin surface area
  • The concentration of oxygen in water is always higher then that in the blood
  • The underneath of a leaf is covered in stomata which carbon dioxide passes through
  • Oxygen and water vapour diffuse out of the stomata
  • Stomata size are controlled by guard cells which close if the plant is losing water faster then wanted
  • Flattened shape of a leaf increases exchange surface area
  • Cell walls have air spaces inside to increase surface area.