"fair is foul and foul is fair" (Witches, act 1 sc 1)
"there's no art to find the mind'sconstruction in the face, he was a gentleman on whom I built an absolute trust" (Duncan, act 1 sc 4)
"stars hide you fires, let light not see my black deep desires" (Macbeth, act 1 sc 4)
"look like the innocentflower but be the serpent under't" (Lady Macbeth, act 1 sc 5)
"there's daggers in men'ssmiles" (Malcolm, act 2 sc 3)
"you know your own degrees; sit down: at first and last the heartywelcome....ourself will mingle with society and play the humble host" (Macduff, act 3 sc 4)
"angels are bright still, though the brightest fell ; though all things foul would wear the brows of grace, yet grace must still look so" (Macduff, act 4 sc 3)