
Cards (7)

  • "Unsex me here, and fill me from the crown to the toe top-full" (Lady Macbeth, Ac 1 Sc 5)
  • "O gentle lady, 'tis not for you to hear what I can speak." (Macduff, Ac 2 Sc 3)
  • "I would... have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums and dashed the brains out, had I so sworn" (Lady Macbeth, Ac 1 Sc 7)
  • "Are you a man?"(Lady Macbeth, Ac 3 Sc 4)
  • "Wisdom? To leave his wife... his babes... his titles in a place from whence himself does fly? He loves us not" (Lady Macbeth, Ac 4 Sc 2)
  • "When then, alas, do I put up that womanly defence, to say I have done no harm?" (Lady Macduff, Ac 4 Sc 2)
  • "Bring forth men-children only, for the undaunted mettle should composé nothing but males" (Macbeth, Ac 1 Sc 7)