Why people don’t like change: when they’ve done well in the existing circumstances (change would make them less likely to do as well as they currently are)
Everyone has a defining moment of huge shock / disappointment (finding out something we believed was false) between ages 9-11 that we spend the rest of our lives trying to resolve
My defining moment of huge shock / disappointment was finding out that most adults are idiots (lucky if they are competent in one thing, much less in many things)
Your product, cause, or message should make people feel better about themselves
Drama is characters switching between persecutor,rescuer and victim roles
We need the personal human story before being able to understand numbers (ex: *story of how jeff’s life sucked as an amazon driver and what we did to make it better*. We did this with 3000 drivers and retention increased by X months)
Each leader needs to align the company narrative with their personal narrative
Stories are events (have a start and end). Narratives are sharedbeliefs about who we are, what the world is like, where we’re going, etc.
Storytelling trumps credentials
SFB Method: People have to see it and feel it in order to believe it
Undeniable Story:
Zoomout (what unstoppable forces support your vision)
Zoomin (who wants want, and what is getting in their way)
Evidence (proof that the previous are actually happening)
Metrics for measuring brand:
Reach (how many people recognize it)
Direction (do people move toward or away from the behavior you want)