1. Purpose of Respiration: To maintain adequate oxygen level in the blood to support cellular life
2. External Respiration or ventilation: Accomplished by expansion of the chest, both vertically and horizontally
3. Vertical expansion - contraction of diaphragm
4. Horizontal expansion – intercostal muscles lift the sternum and elevate the ribs
5. Inspiration: A slight negative pressure is created in the lungs in relation to the atmospheric pressure, resulting in an inflow of air into the lungs
6. Expiration: Occurs with relaxation of the intercostal muscles and diaphragm
7. Breathing patterns change according to cellular demand
8. Involuntary control of respiration is the work of the medulla and pons
9. The hypothalamus and the sympathetic nervous system play a role in involuntary control of respiration in response to emotional changes such as fear or excitement