Cards (17)

  • "This is a debate about our understanding of human dignity, what it means to be a member of the human family even though tiny, powerless and unwanted" - Henry Hyde
  • Abby Johnson - Pro life advocate, former abortion clinic director
  • Abortion - the deliberate termination of a pregnancy by a woman
  • God created man and woman in His "image and likeness" (Genesis 1:27)
  • God created human beings with the same spiritual qualities
    1. intellect
    2. will
  • The human person having a creator was created for a purpose - that we shall be happy forever
  • "Authentic happiness" is only achieved when we choose to do what is good
  • Freedom - is to choose what is good and to reject evil
  • God accorded the human person with "innate goodness"
  • Here are some difficulties brought about by our defective intellect and will:
    1. recognizing what is truly good
    2. doing what is bad even if we know that it is not good
    3. easily giving in to peer pressure
  • Aristotle - wrote a book in 400 BCE entitled "Nichomachean Ethics" which states that virtues and ethical behavior is the key to ultimate happiness
  • God accorded the human person with dignity
  • Dignity - comes from the Lating word "Dignitas" which means "worthiness"
  • Life is Sacred from the moment of conception until natural death
  • Threats to the sacredness of life
    1. Not being open to the creation of new life
    2. Terminating unwanted pregnancy
    3. Killing out of mercy
  • Dr. Bernard Nathanson - a jew who used to be the premiere advocate of abortion in the USA
    • he founded an organization that pushes abortion rights (NARAL) National Abortion Rights League
  • Jesus - reminds us that happiness and comfort are not achieved here on earth but through God's promises