"This is a debate about our understanding of human dignity, what it means to be a member of the human family even though tiny, powerless and unwanted" - Henry Hyde
Abby Johnson - Pro life advocate, former abortion clinic director
Abortion - the deliberate termination of a pregnancy by a woman
God created man and woman in His "image and likeness" (Genesis 1:27)
God created human beings with the same spiritual qualities
The human person having a creator was created for a purpose - that we shall be happy forever
"Authentic happiness" is only achieved when we choose to do what is good
Freedom - is to choose what is good and to reject evil
God accorded the human person with "innate goodness"
Here are some difficulties brought about by our defective intellect and will:
recognizing what is truly good
doing what is bad even if we know that it is not good
easily giving in to peer pressure
Aristotle - wrote a book in 400 BCE entitled "Nichomachean Ethics" which states that virtues and ethical behavior is the key to ultimate happiness
God accorded the human person with dignity
Dignity - comes from the Lating word "Dignitas" which means "worthiness"
Life is Sacred from the moment of conception until natural death
Threats to the sacredness of life
Not being open to the creation of new life
Terminating unwanted pregnancy
Killing out of mercy
Dr. Bernard Nathanson - a jew who used to be the premiere advocate of abortion in the USA
he founded an organization that pushes abortion rights (NARAL) National Abortion Rights League
Jesus - reminds us that happiness and comfort are not achieved here on earth but through God's promises