Cards (24)

  • "Chastity says yes to authentic love, yes to your future or current spouse, yes to purity in your thoughts, words and actions. Its not about what you cant do, but what you can" - Stephanie Calis
  • God created human beings out of love
  • We are created to love and to receive love
  • God has given us the capacity to procreate through sexual act between a male and a female
  • A giving love - the love that God wants that Christ loved us with
  • Love as using - is concretely manifested in lust
  • Lust - is being glorified in most TV shows and movies. It is to see the person as a way to satify one's sexual desires.
  • Happiness is not based on the satisfaction of our sexual desires. It is achieved by following God's commandments, to love as giving, not using.
  • What is love?

    love is not how useful you are to each other, its how much you can give to the other person
  • The purpose of dating is to find a wife or a husband
  • A good relationship starts with friendship
  • Part of dating is to date with "purity of intentions"
  • "Sex" is Gods gift together with life & nature.
  • St. John Paul II - said in his book Theology of the Body "Purity is the requirement of love. It is the dimension of its interior truth in man's heart".
  • Our souls are spiritual in nature and cannot be seen by the naked eye
  • Our bodies are the extensions of our "soul"
  • The language of body is the language of love
  • Marriage = is the venue in which two people, male and female, exchange their vows to each other, their promises to give themselves completely to each other, with the seal approval of God and His divine suppport.
  • Sex - is sacred, a divine gift
  • Marks of true love
    • Free - you freely choose to love another personas opposed to being forced to love another
    • Total - it is a total self giving to another person
    • Faithful - meaning you only love one woman or one man and that is your husband or your wife.
    • Truthful - meaning the couple is honest and truthful with each other, they dont keep any secrets
  • People who chose to live a celibate life are just as loving as those who get married
  • They choose to give up human love for the love of God. They are married in a way to God.
  • Celibate people - do not deprive themselves of loving or of experiencing sexual pleasure
  • "To love is to will the good of another. All other affections have their source in this first movement of the human heart toward the good. Only the good can be loved" - Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1766