Government regulation is criticized for being oppressive, ineffectual, confused, conflictual, costly, rigid, weakly enforced, and amenable to capture by those it is regulating
A UN-recognized sustainability initiative adopted by the Chemistry Industry Association of Canada to continuously improve health, safety, and environmental performance
Dedicated to the betterment of society, the environment and the economy
Key to our business success
Compel us to work for the improvement of people's lives and the environment, while striving to do no harm
Be accountable and responsive to the public, especially our local communities
Take preventative action to protect health and the environment
Innovate for safer products and processes that conserve resources and provide enhanced value
Engage with our business partners to ensure the stewardship and security of our products, services and raw materials throughout their life cycles
Understand and meet expectations for social responsibility
Work with all stakeholders for public policy and standards that enhance sustainability, act to advance legal requirements and meet or exceed their letter and spirit
Promote awareness of Responsible Care®, and inspire others to commit to these principles
Approval or endorsement by an independent organization after reviewing the production or provision of a good or service to ascertain compliance with specific standards
Includes comprehensive formulation/material reviews, testing, and facility inspections
Certifier's mark or label on packaging helps consumers and other buyers make informed purchasing decisions
Communicates unobservable product attributes to stakeholders
Allows stakeholders to credibly distinguish "good" and best performers
Assumed to provide financial reward to certified corporations relative to non-certified ones
Development, use, and enforcement of norms or standards by the corporation itself through mission and values statements, codes of conduct or ethics, ethics programs, or adherence to social and environmental reporting guidelines
Acceptance and practice of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a form of self-regulation
The private sector provides for innovation, investment, and risk taking that promotes growth and employment, while government provides the institutions, rules, safety nets, education, research, and infrastructure to empower the private sector
Earls Kitchen + Bar sourced beef certified by Humane Farm Animal Care (HFAC) but faced backlash from Canadian beef producers when it switched to an American HFAC-certified supplier due to insufficient Canadian supply
Earls' experience illustrates complications in private regulation, including limited supply when adopting a single-supplier policy, and the existence of multiple certification bodies without a uniform system
A few days after announcing the decision to purchase American beef, the company backed down and said that it would make every effort to obtain its beef from Canadian suppliers