
Cards (5)

  • ambition
    • “let me find him, fortune, and more i beg not”
    • macduffs all consuming ambition is to kill macbeth to revenge the brutal murder of his family
    • macduff calls on fortune to help him find macbeth and kill him to continue the role of fate and the supernatural in the play
  • supernatural
    • “macduff was from his mothers womb untimely ripped“
    • macduffs unnatural birth breaks the charm to break macbeths unnatural reign of terror
  • violence
    • “o horror, horror, horror!”
    • macduffs response when he discovers duncan has been murdered conveys the cruel unjust nature of the event.
    • the heartbroken way he delivers news of the kings death contrasts with suspicion and distrust subjects feel for macbeth once he assumes the throne
  • guilt
    • “o hell kite… all my pretty chickens… at one fell swoop”
    • macduff likens macbeth to a kite bird of prey who has cruelly killed his innocent “chickens“
    • he may immense feel guilt as he was not present to protect his family
  • false appearance
    • bleed,bleed, poor country! great tyranny,lay thou thy basis sure, for goodness dare not check thee”
    • macduff emotive metaphor depicts macbeths laments the devastating affect macbeths reign is having on scotland
    • macduff is angry at himself and others who will not stand up to macbeth