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  • Quantitative data
    > Data that is expressed numerically
    > Gained from individual scores in experiments such as the number of words recalled or the number of seconds it takes to complete a task
    > Data is opened to being interpreted statistically and can easily be converted into graphs/ charts
  • Quantitative data AO3 -
    :) Quantitative data is more simple to analyse which allows comparisons to be drawn between groups of data and patterns and trends to be established
    > This means that it may be easier to make conclusions about behaviour
    > Whereas, qualitative data is wordy and more difficult to statistically summarise and therefore, comparisons within data are hard to identify
  • Quantitative data AO3 -
    :( Quantitative data lacks depth and meaning to behaviour especially when it is complex as it prevents participants from being able to develop their thoughts, feelings and opinions on a given subject
    > Therefore, quantitative data may lack vital detail which reduces the internal validity of the data
    > Whereas qualitative data is rich in detail which can provide a greater understanding of behaviour
  • Qualitative data
    > Qualitative data is expressed in words/ descriptive data
    > May take the form of a written description of the thoughts, feelings and opinions of participants such as from notes recorded within an interview, a diary entry or answers from open questions in a questionnaire
  • Qualitative data AO3 -
    :) Qualitative data provides rich detail and depth, which allows participants to develop their thoughts and feelings on a given subject
    > This provides a greater understanding of the behaviour being studied
    > Whereas quantitative data lacks depth as it is numerical
  • Qualitative data AO3 -
    :( Qualitative data is harder to analyse as it is difficult to summarise statistically to establish patterns trends
    > This opens the data up to potential researcher bias as the analysis is based upon their own subjective interpretations of the data
    > Whereas quantitative data can be analysed statistically to provide patterns or trends making it easier to make objective conclusions about behaviour